Gutfeld: Hillary is the political equivalent of a cold sore

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Gutfeld: Hillary is the political equivalent of a cold sore

The Greg Gutfeld Show panel reacts to Hillary's seemingly endless blame game


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Has there ever been another person who lost a presidential election who seamlessly just carries on with the same lies and electioneering as Crooked Hillary does? Talk about a spiteful old hag; she has issues.

The Horn

Greg Gutfield tries to be a funny guy , but in reality, he's about as funny as a funeral , diarrhea or root canal surgery . Conservative humor is an oxymoron . There are no right-wing comics who are any good or even remotely funny .
He voted for the totally unqualified and unfit Trump yet continues to sneer at the infinitely better qualified Hillary Clinton , who while hardly perfect, would have been an infinitely better president than Trump . Ugh .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... Hillary Clinton , who while hardly perfect, would have been an infinitely better president than Trump . Ugh .

trump's given us a booming economy, historically low unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics and resolved two messes that Hillary's incompetent mentor struggled with ineffectively for eight years - syria and north korea

in what way do you suppose hillary would have done better?

The Horn

Wrong, OK Doser . OBAMA has brought about all of the economic improvements , but Trump , a pathological liar, is taking credit for all of this while trying to DESTROY it .
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Norm Macdonald
Tim Allen
Dennis Miller
Jeff Foxworthy
Bob Hope
Adam Sandler
Jackie Mason
Rob Schneider
Joe Piscopo

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
then's there's our resident moby, conservative comic himself:
Wrong, OK Doser . OBAMA has brought about all of the economic improvements , but Trump , a pathological liar, is taking credit for all of this while trying to DESTROY it .


good one!


like marbles on glass
Wrong, OK Doser . OBAMA has brought about all of the economic improvements , but Trump , a pathological liar, is taking credit for all of this while trying to DESTROY it .

The U.S. economy is chugging along. Employers added 201,000 jobs last month, and the unemployment rate held steady at a low 3.9 percent. Average wages in August were nearly 3 percent higher than they were a year ago.

Who should get the credit for that strong performance?

At a campaign rally in North Dakota last week, President Trump boasted that he's responsible for the economy taking off like a "rocket ship."

But Trump's predecessor wants to remind everyone that the countdown began on his watch.

"When you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started," former President Barack Obama told supporters Friday at the University of Illinois.​

1. Recovery started under Obama: check.
2. Trump's a pathological liar: check.
3. Trump wants credit for recovery: check.

Interactive charts at the link.