Guess what...


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My sister's going to start homeschooling my nephew. Although, she's doing it because the doctors told her to remove him from school because of the ITP, I'm thrilled that she'll get to experience this.

She's scared to death because she doesn't know where to begin or how to get the curriculum she will need for next year. I suggested she start off how I did, with the local charter school. She will have a teacher advisor that she will meet with to discuss how to teach her son and what curriculum will work for them. And, all she will have to do is pay for school supplies (not curriculum). He's going to be in seventh grade this year, so I told her that if she decides that she likes it and wants to continue through high school, I will donate my used curriculum as we finish it and all she will have to do is pay the shipping.

This is something I never in a million years expected to hear from my sister. She always looked down on me for homeschooling. When her son was out here for a few months, I homeschooled him and he did so much better than his teachers said he could do.


New member
It's wonderful that your sister will be homeschooling your nephew. I just wish he weren't ill.