Gregg Jackson and Bob on the War
This is the show from Monday August 2nd, 2010.
* Best-selling Author and Talk Host: Gregg Jackson talks with Bob Enyart about the battle, about wolves in sheeps clothing, and about this Friday's Amendment 62 event at Church in the City with pastor Michael Walker, 7 p.m. August 6th at 1580 Gaylord Street in Denver (a block east of York on E. 16th Avenue). Gregg Jackson emceed the 2007 and 2008 CPAC presidential candidates sessions. (What does C-P-A-C stand for? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.) and Gregg appeared in ARTL's Ann Coulter Hang-ups YouTube video (now at over 44,000 views!), authored the best-selling Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies, and hosted talk shows at Boston's 50k-watt AM 680 WRKO News Talk and until recently at Salem Radio Network's Los Angeles station KDAR.
Post-show Note: Last year Gregg called into Hannity's radio show and criticized Sean for promoting pro-government health care Mitt Romney who personally authorized tax-funded surgical abortions on demand, something so horrendous and so 'liberal' that it goes far beyond the wickedness of even the many openly 'pro-choice' Americans who oppose 'tax-funded abortion' and 'elective' abortion. Romney is pro-homosexual marriage, pro-government health care, and radically pro-abortion. Romney is the litmus test: he shows us that Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter are harming unborn children and God's institution of marriage by their gross negligence in misrepresenting one of the leading enemies of America's Judeo-Christian morals.
Today’s Resource: JUST RELEASED: You can get Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. Now, Focus 3 presents the three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important DVDs and consider getting a set for a friend!
This is the show from Monday August 2nd, 2010.
* Best-selling Author and Talk Host: Gregg Jackson talks with Bob Enyart about the battle, about wolves in sheeps clothing, and about this Friday's Amendment 62 event at Church in the City with pastor Michael Walker, 7 p.m. August 6th at 1580 Gaylord Street in Denver (a block east of York on E. 16th Avenue). Gregg Jackson emceed the 2007 and 2008 CPAC presidential candidates sessions. (What does C-P-A-C stand for? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.) and Gregg appeared in ARTL's Ann Coulter Hang-ups YouTube video (now at over 44,000 views!), authored the best-selling Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies, and hosted talk shows at Boston's 50k-watt AM 680 WRKO News Talk and until recently at Salem Radio Network's Los Angeles station KDAR.
Post-show Note: Last year Gregg called into Hannity's radio show and criticized Sean for promoting pro-government health care Mitt Romney who personally authorized tax-funded surgical abortions on demand, something so horrendous and so 'liberal' that it goes far beyond the wickedness of even the many openly 'pro-choice' Americans who oppose 'tax-funded abortion' and 'elective' abortion. Romney is pro-homosexual marriage, pro-government health care, and radically pro-abortion. Romney is the litmus test: he shows us that Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter are harming unborn children and God's institution of marriage by their gross negligence in misrepresenting one of the leading enemies of America's Judeo-Christian morals.
Today’s Resource: JUST RELEASED: You can get Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. Now, Focus 3 presents the three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important DVDs and consider getting a set for a friend!