This would be tied to the v15 references to polus (many) articular, and to the v18 references to pas (all) anarthrous.
"The many" is a multitude. "All" is not articular, so it refers to a qualitative all rather than a quantitative all. This stands in antithesis to Universalism.
Also in v19, "made" is not poieo, but kathistemi (technically, katestathesan, aorist passive indicative as sinners; katestathesontai, future passive indicative as righteous). Of persons, to set, constitute, to place anywhere in an office, in a condition.
So not only is kathistemi not poieo, it is also not the other synonym ginomai; to become, or, in this case, to make. To have used this latter word would have actually meant that God is responsible for making transgressors.
Kathistemi used in this regard means that God has set or placed man in a definite place or position - that of the transgressor - but He did not make him a transgressor. The resonsibility is entirely man's.
This speaks somewhat against Supralapsarianism and a time-based "before" for election.