ECT Grace is unconditional but not universal

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Cross Reference

New member
"Deciding to believe" the Gospel message is an action.

I believe faith is first and foremost, a capacity.

A new capacity of spirit, given to sinners by God the Holy Spirit.
Is that it happened with Abraham? He believed God to be called His friend. How does that all work if God first enabled him to believe, if God first gave him a gift of faith?

EVer think that Esau believed God as well? So did Cain? So did Adam?

How 'bout defining the word "rebellious"?


TOL Subscriber
You ought rethink that a liitle because faith is the result of making the decision to trust in and rely upon Christ Jesus for not just salvation but for the very life that indwelt Him. I don't believe faith can be of the head but rather the heart of a man to be living faith. There is no other kind of faith that pleases God. Make sense?

Romans 10:17 according to CR...

"So then, faith cometh by the decision to trust in and rely upon Christ Jesus (who is only a man during the Incarnation, in spite of two millennia of orthodox Christology to the contrary), and that decision by man's own word."


TOL Subscriber
You accuse with no understanding that might explain why you accuse. <yer a piece of work you are>

You yourself just insisted election cannot be unconditional. That would mean you insist it is conditional.

Then you went on to ask why all humanity wouldn't receive the benefits of redemption; which would be Universalism.


TOL Subscriber
Is that it happened with Abraham? He believed God to be called His friend. How does that all work if God first enabled him to believe, if God first gave him a gift of faith?

EVer think that Esau believed God as well? So did Cain? So did Adam?

How 'bout defining the word "rebellious"?

Go look at the nouns in Romans 10:17. It's the same for Abraham. He's the Father of Faith.


Well-known member
The forgiving and saving grace of God comes to sinners unconditionally through faith; not by works.

Repentance is not required to be forgiven (justified) by God; rather repentance is evidence the sinner has been saved by God's power and grace, through gifted faith, alone.

All empirical and scriptural knowledge, denies any hope of universal forgiveness (atonement). Such is simply wishful thinking, that only perverts the Truth.

Nick's earlier thread OP includes the quote of Romans 5:18 to suggest that the death of Jesus Christ universally paid for "all" sins, but Romans 5:19 quantifies Paul's gospel message as pertaining only to "many."

False teaching. Those who Christ died for are reconciled to God by Grace, the death of Christ Heb 2:9 while they are enemies and unbelievers Rom 5:10 !

Cross Reference

New member
You yourself just insisted election cannot be unconditional. That would mean you insist it is conditional.

I believe it is conditional. Does that make me a heretic?

Then you went on to ask why all humanity wouldn't receive the benefits of redemption; which would be Universalism.

Jesus did redeem ALL of mankind. Having said that, salvation is conditioned upon the believing and acting upon the knowledge of the "why" of redemption. You are are so smart, how come you don't that, hmmmm?? Maybe your Greeek can help you though, I wouldn't hold out much hope . . given your reasons for studying it.

Check out John 3:16 KJV again, for the first time.


TOL Subscriber
I believe it is conditional. Does that make me a heretic?

Your Christology makes you a heretic.

Jesus did redeem ALL of mankind. Having said that, salvation is conditioned upon the believing and acting upon the knowledge of the "why" of redemption. You are are so smart, how come you don't that, hmmmm?? Maybe your Greeek can help you though, I wouldn't hold much hope . . given your reasons for studying it.

Universal Atonement. Might as well be Universal Salvation.


TOL Subscriber
Why should anyone waste their time.

And your time is running out, so why kick against the pricks and deny the truth?

You have all the answers.

Only because I agree with the inspired text. I am and have nothing apart from the Incarnate word and its written record by the Spirit.

Yes, I have the answers because I haven't employed my own opinions and false theology.

Too bad you don't seee your folly.

I see the folly of my flesh just fine. And it has nothing to do with authentic doctrine of the Christian faith. My orthopraxy will match my orthodoxy as I'm being and becoming until my dying physical breath.

Your life has been exposed as a waste in utter heretical schism to the Christan faith. I can understand how huge a thing that is to swallow. But you won't hear the truth. That's your own fault, regardless of the influence of Theosophists and Philosophers and Third Wave Charismaticism.

Cross Reference

New member
Your Christology makes you a heretic.

Universal Atonement. Might as well be Universal Salvation.

Now its getting down to where you are left with nothing but the misreprentation of the words of others. But, that is Satan's way, isn't it? Check him out in Gen 3: "Has God not said" and Luke 4:1-14 KJV. Same conversation, different man. No Greek necessary.


TOL Subscriber
Now its getting down to where you are left with nothing but the misreprentation of the words of others. But, that is Satan's way, isn't it? Check him out in Gen 3: "Has God not said" and Luke 4:1-14 KJV. Same conversation, different man. No Greek necessary.

Genesis 3 and Luke 4 would bury you. You don't even want me addressing the Hebrew and Greek texts to do so.


New member
No. There is only one Gospel.

Okay, finally you affirm that you do say, 'Christ died for our sins to unbelievers.' However, your words here appear to hold a subtle caveat:
Spiritual application upon others of our confession of faith, resides in the power of God, not in our knowledge of their ultimate fate.

'Our confession of faith'? So you permit yourself to say 'our' because you are defining the referent of the pronoun to be yourself and any other true believers? And not just anyone - not necessarily anyone to whom you preach?

Would you clarify please? If the words, 'Christ died for our sins,' are preached to unbelievers then it will be understood (by the auditors) that they themselves are for whom Christ died - and, indeed, all men. Unless, of course, you explicitly reveal your (possible) definition of 'our'.
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