Grab your popcorn, it's time for "Democrats in the News"


Well-known member
And this time the media won't be able to spin for their treachery. From one of the smarter blogs, one of the few I visit daily:

Good morning kids. We end the week with the bombshell revelations, which in point of fact are the confirmation of our now long-held suspicions, that the fabricated Trump "dossier" was in fact used as a pretext to illegally obtain a FISA warrant as legal cover to spy on first the Trump campaign in order to derail it and then the nascent Trump Administration to for all intents and purposes overthrow it. It also had a parallel goal of obfuscating Hillary's and Obama's real crimes by manufacturing evidence that "see, Trump did it too, so no big deal" or something like that.

As of now, key Republicans are pushing to have this smoking gun, nay, still-flaming howitzer, released to the public while the Democrats, many of whom being part of this "investigation" can be considered co-conspirators in the coverup if not the actual crime, are desperately trying to keep it secret.

And in a not necessarily unrelated story, at least from the standpoint of the lawlessness and lust for raw power of the Establishment and the Leftist-Democrat movement, the Attorney General of California, one Xavier Becerra, is now threatening citizens of his state with prosecution if they cooperate with Federal agents in the exercising of their legal authority to investigate and arrest any illegal aliens within that state. First, recall that when Becerra as a Congressman was chairman of the House Democrat Caucaus, there was a massive data breach by their IT aides the Awan brothers, which then DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz desperately attempted to cover up. No doubt in my mind that whatever data that was stolen by the Awans must have included clear evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Obama, both Clintons, their aides and key figures in the federal law enforcement and intel communities, related to the Trump campaign as well as most likely the shadier elements of the patently shady Iran nuke deal and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Gary K

New member
And this time the media won't be able to spin for their treachery. From one of the smarter blogs, one of the few I visit daily:

No doubt in my mind that whatever data that was stolen by the Awans must have included clear evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Obama, both Clintons, their aides and key figures in the federal law enforcement and intel communities, related to the Trump campaign as well as most likely the shadier elements of the patently shady Iran nuke deal and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

And the Awan brothers/Wasserman Shultz criminal connection is only one of many criminal connections the Democrats are desperately trying to hide. But, their world is crumbling around them. It's all going to come out and the Democrat party will be pretty much destoryed when the general public finds out all the criminality they have been involved in over the decades.

Gary K

New member
Huh. None of the usual leftist fake newsers on this thread. Odd.

I ran across the following interview today. Greg Hunter at publishes a lot of information on what is going on. As good as his "normal" interviews are this one stands above the rest. In it he covers the 1.2 million page IG report that was just recently delivered to Congresss. This report is going to reset the US justice system to once more be run by the rule of law, instead of the system being used to protect the guilty and punish the innocent. This report is going to shake the political world to its foundations. There is also a little bit about the Hawaii scare, and Dave Janda, who Greg Hunter is interviewing says it was a real missle that the US anti-missle system took out according to a contact Janda has that has never been proven wrong. This is a must see interview.



Grab your popcorn, it's time for "Democrats in the News"

Beyond Trump's motley crew of supporters, these assertions are getting no traction with the American public who are getting a little tired of "the Donald's" never-ending efforts to divert their attention away from his inability to cope with the "here and now!"

This is the same cast of characters who spent 8 years promoting the "BIRTHER" movement - and we all know now much credibility that had!