Government Schools & Waterloo
This is the show from Thursday, February 23rd 2012.
* Me Thinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much: Guest host Doug McBurney points out that the rage displayed by Moslems every time someone insults their fourth holiest, or ninth holiest site, or sixth holiest prophet, (or heaven forbid the holy Quoor ‘an itself), might just be a sign of a religious inferiority complex.
* Not So Munificent: A public school in Grand Junction Colorado insists that its choir sing praises to Allah. No surprise there. But a Christian kid refused, and has now quit school amidst death threats from the tolerant practitioners of the religion of peace.
* Santorum Strikes a Nerve Comparing government schools to anachronistic industrial age factories, Mr. Santorum continues to hold up under withering fire directed against his open Christianity.
* Where Will You Meet Your Waterloo? Doug reads an encouraging report regarding Mitt Romney’s imminent collapse in Michigan, helped along by an associate’s financial scandal there, and the resignation of Mitt’s openly homosexual Arizona campaign co-chairman.
* Will Susan B. Anthony List “Tip”: In her endorsement of Rick Santorum, Marj Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List (a pro-life industry organization) admits that the pro-life movement is reaching a “tipping point”. Guest host Doug encourages that organization to “tip” in favor of Personhood now!
February is BEL Telethon Month
Please consider one or more of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, they will also help to better understand the Bible and equip you to be a better witness to those around you.
1. Our newest monthly subscription is our Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a multiple CD album.
2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a months worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are great for starting a family Bible study of even a neighborhood study.
3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.
4. Monthly Bible Study Audios on MP3- CD.
5. Monthly Sermon Audios on MP3-CD.
6. Monthly Topical Videos - Each month your will get one of Bob's great topical videos.
7. Best of Bob - Each month you get the best 8 shows of the month on MP3-CD.
8. Monthly TV Classics
9. Monthly Donation
* Free Gift: When you subscribe to any monthly subscription, new monthly donation of $20.00 or more or a one time donation of $50.00 or more, we will send you Bob's video series Having a Great Prayer Life.
Order online or call 303-463-7789 or 1-800-8Enyart
This is the show from Thursday, February 23rd 2012.
* Me Thinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much: Guest host Doug McBurney points out that the rage displayed by Moslems every time someone insults their fourth holiest, or ninth holiest site, or sixth holiest prophet, (or heaven forbid the holy Quoor ‘an itself), might just be a sign of a religious inferiority complex.
* Not So Munificent: A public school in Grand Junction Colorado insists that its choir sing praises to Allah. No surprise there. But a Christian kid refused, and has now quit school amidst death threats from the tolerant practitioners of the religion of peace.
* Santorum Strikes a Nerve Comparing government schools to anachronistic industrial age factories, Mr. Santorum continues to hold up under withering fire directed against his open Christianity.
* Where Will You Meet Your Waterloo? Doug reads an encouraging report regarding Mitt Romney’s imminent collapse in Michigan, helped along by an associate’s financial scandal there, and the resignation of Mitt’s openly homosexual Arizona campaign co-chairman.
* Will Susan B. Anthony List “Tip”: In her endorsement of Rick Santorum, Marj Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List (a pro-life industry organization) admits that the pro-life movement is reaching a “tipping point”. Guest host Doug encourages that organization to “tip” in favor of Personhood now!
February is BEL Telethon Month
Please consider one or more of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, they will also help to better understand the Bible and equip you to be a better witness to those around you.
1. Our newest monthly subscription is our Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a multiple CD album.
2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a months worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are great for starting a family Bible study of even a neighborhood study.
3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.
4. Monthly Bible Study Audios on MP3- CD.
5. Monthly Sermon Audios on MP3-CD.
6. Monthly Topical Videos - Each month your will get one of Bob's great topical videos.
7. Best of Bob - Each month you get the best 8 shows of the month on MP3-CD.
8. Monthly TV Classics
9. Monthly Donation
* Free Gift: When you subscribe to any monthly subscription, new monthly donation of $20.00 or more or a one time donation of $50.00 or more, we will send you Bob's video series Having a Great Prayer Life.
Order online or call 303-463-7789 or 1-800-8Enyart