Google Employees Melt Down


Well-known member
Over the Word “Family.”

A Google executive sparked a fierce backlash from employees by using the word “family” in a weekly, company-wide presentation, according to internal documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.


Well-known member
Another attack on God's design for marriage and family; no surprise.

More garbage at the end of that article:

Google this month corrected a “knowledge panel” about a Republican women’s group that labeled them “enablers.”

Google cited Wikipedia for the disparaging description, though a similar change made to Wikipedia’s page for the women’s group was corrected almost immediately. Google left up the digital vandalism for three weeks.

Google apologized in May after search results for the California Republican Party falsely listed “Nazism” as one of the state party’s ideologies.

Then, too, Google blamed manipulation of the party’s Wikipedia page for the inaccurate and disparaging description.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Over the Word “Family.”

A Google executive sparked a fierce backlash from employees by using the word “family” in a weekly, company-wide presentation, according to internal documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

from the link:

Many Google employees became angry that the term was used while discussing a product aimed at children, because it implied that families have children, the documents show.

ok, i'm calling retard on this one

why didn't it imply that children have families ?????

answer: because those particular google employees are retarded

now that google knows that they're retarded, they should be fired

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
more from the retards at google:

One employee stormed out of the March 2017 presentation after a presenter “continued to show (awesome) Unicorn product features which continually use the word ‘family’ as a synonym for ‘household with children,'”


what else do you call a "household with children"????????? :dizzy:

... he explained in an internal thread. That employee posted an extended rant, which was well-received by his colleagues, on why linking families to children is “offensive, inappropriate, homophobic, and wrong.”

it was "well-received by his colleagues"?

not a single one pointed out that he was being retarded?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
more proof that google is retarded

a search of "newfoundland geology matches spain" - first three results are spanish football (soccer) :doh: