God's Law and what it means to be Pro-Life.


Today is Shlishli Ziv 16 Yom Omer 31.

God's Law and what it means to be Pro-Life.

There is Pro-Life, the position or stance that we are to have against abortion in all cases, and there is God's Law which includes punishment for transgression.




Today is Shlishli Ziv 16 Yom Omer 31.

God's Law and what it means to be Pro-Life.

There is Pro-Life, the position or stance that we are to have against abortion in all cases, and there is God's Law which includes punishment for transgression.



I said
That is your own opinion. Do you have any scripture to support that?


Well-known member
Start with the Torah.

Exodus 20:13
(Bishops) Thou shalt not kyll.
(ESV) “You shall not murder.
(ESV+) R16“You shall not murder.N1
(Geneva) Thou shalt not kill.
(GNB) "Do not commit murder.
(ISV) "You are not to murder.
(JPS) Thou shalt not murder.
(KJV) Thou shalt not kill.
(KJV+) Thou shalt notH3808 kill.H7523
(NAS77) "You shall not murder.
(NASB) "You shall not murder.
(NASB+) "R1You shall not murderH7523.
(NIrV) "Do not commit murder.
(NIV) "You shall not murder.
(NKJV) "You shall not murder.
(NRSV) You shall not murder.
(NRSVA) You shall not murder.
(YLT) 'Thou dost not murder.

You can only kill/murder a living person.

When is a fetus a person?

I do not support abortion, but it is a personal thing to the one that is pregnant.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This verse is clear that one must be out of the womb and breathing to be a person. I do not know if I agree with it but it is Holy writ.


Well-known member
Exodus 20:13
(Bishops) Thou shalt not kyll.
(ESV) “You shall not murder.
(ESV+) R16“You shall not murder.N1
(Geneva) Thou shalt not kill.
(GNB) "Do not commit murder.
(ISV) "You are not to murder.
(JPS) Thou shalt not murder.
(KJV) Thou shalt not kill.
(KJV+) Thou shalt notH3808 kill.H7523
(NAS77) "You shall not murder.
(NASB) "You shall not murder.
(NASB+) "R1You shall not murderH7523.
(NIrV) "Do not commit murder.
(NIV) "You shall not murder.
(NKJV) "You shall not murder.
(NRSV) You shall not murder.
(NRSVA) You shall not murder.
(YLT) 'Thou dost not murder.

You can only kill/murder a living person.

When is a fetus a person?

I do not support abortion, but it is a personal thing to the one that is pregnant.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This verse is clear that one must be out of the womb and breathing to be a person. I do not know if I agree with it but it is Holy writ.
Sorry I didn't mean to thank that, I meant to quote it, of course a baby in the womb is a living person, it has a spirit in it in the womb it doesn't receive it's spirit when it is being born. It's alive in the womb. Abortion is wrong before God it's murder.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Exodus 20:13
(Bishops) Thou shalt not kyll.
(ESV) “You shall not murder.
(ESV+) R16“You shall not murder.N1
(Geneva) Thou shalt not kill.
(GNB) "Do not commit murder.
(ISV) "You are not to murder.
(JPS) Thou shalt not murder.
(KJV) Thou shalt not kill.
(KJV+) Thou shalt notH3808 kill.H7523
(NAS77) "You shall not murder.
(NASB) "You shall not murder.
(NASB+) "R1You shall not murderH7523.
(NIrV) "Do not commit murder.
(NIV) "You shall not murder.
(NKJV) "You shall not murder.
(NRSV) You shall not murder.
(NRSVA) You shall not murder.
(YLT) 'Thou dost not murder.

You can only kill/murder a living person.

When is a fetus a person?

I do not support abortion, but it is a personal thing to the one that is pregnant.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This verse is clear that one must be out of the womb and breathing to be a person. I do not know if I agree with it but it is Holy writ.

You're extremely liberal when it comes to abortion. That's interesting.


Exodus 20:13
(Bishops) Thou shalt not kyll.
(ESV) “You shall not murder.
(ESV+) R16“You shall not murder.N1
(Geneva) Thou shalt not kill.
(GNB) "Do not commit murder.
(ISV) "You are not to murder.
(JPS) Thou shalt not murder.
(KJV) Thou shalt not kill.
(KJV+) Thou shalt notH3808 kill.H7523
(NAS77) "You shall not murder.
(NASB) "You shall not murder.
(NASB+) "R1You shall not murderH7523.
(NIrV) "Do not commit murder.
(NIV) "You shall not murder.
(NKJV) "You shall not murder.
(NRSV) You shall not murder.
(NRSVA) You shall not murder.
(YLT) 'Thou dost not murder.

You can only kill/murder a living person.

When is a fetus a person?

I do not support abortion, but it is a personal thing to the one that is pregnant.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This verse is clear that one must be out of the womb and breathing to be a person. I do not know if I agree with it but it is Holy writ.

Today is Sheni (Second) Ziv 22. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. Omer 37.

There are definitions of person that you might agree with. However, that is not your argument. You are actually defending murder. Not good. What sorry state have things come to for you to do this? Abortion is not about what the mother can want. It is about how people choose to break God's Law. They should be punished for it. You started with the mother and her unborn child and you have said or communicated that a pregnant woman can choose abortion because it is a personal thing? Maybe I am at fault here for including an unborn child on account of that there may have been a death of an unborn child. Why speak against the unborn? Not born yet. Still human. Still alive. Still living. Fetus, unborn. Whatever you say, this is a life. Just not born yet. The verse does not justify anything that you are saying or wanting to say. You are using scripture in an attempt to justify murder, which scripture is against. God does not sanction murder. The difficulty that I see here is others might use the same verse to do something similar. But we need to remember or realize that life begins with conception, at the moment of conception, or before. For example, is sperm living.

You should be prosecuted if you have ever affected or effected someone toward abortion or in their abortion views.