God's Commands About Love Of God And Love Of Your Neighbor; Mentioning God's Commands


When you mention a command of God, is it understood in the context of loving God and loving your neighbor? Meaning, God's commands are about love of God and love of your neighbor. In fact, love of God is a command of God and love of your neighbor is a command of God. Jesus said that on these commands depend the whole Law and the Prophets.

Matthew 22:40 NASB - 40 "On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."

When you speak of God's commands are they understood for what they are and for what they are about? God cares about us. His commands are for our good.

Think of a command of God you know and relate here what it is and how you see it being about love of God and / or love of your neighbor.


New member
You can't love God or your neighbor the way the law demands because you are a sinner. All your efforts at keeping the law are just ropes of sand and empty promises. God gave the law with the full knowledge that sinful man could never keep it. Why would he do that?


You can't love God or your neighbor the way the law demands because you are a sinner. All your efforts at keeping the law are just ropes of sand and empty promises. God gave the law with the full knowledge that sinful man could never keep it. Why would he do that?

God expects us to obey Him. His commands are for our obedience. If it were not possible to obey God He would not ask us to do so. Jesus obeyed God. We should too.

Bradley D

Well-known member
If one truly Loves God and neighbor than they will be obeying the commandments of God. If you love God you are obeying the first four commandments. If you love neighbor (including parents) the last six commandments. Paul said anything not done out of love/charity is meaningless.


If one truly Loves God and neighbor than they will be obeying the commandments of God. If you love God you are obeying the first four commandments. If you love neighbor (including parents) the last six commandments. Paul said anything not done out of love/charity is meaningless.

With the Ten Commandments I have heard they can be understood as commandments for how to obey God and commandments for how to obey our neighbor or our neighbors. The first four or five are how to obey God. Is it true that to obey one's parents is to obey God? That is an interesting question. To honor your father and your mother is the fifth commandment, and it comes with a promise. Children obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right. Shalom. Jacob.