“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” - Genesis 8:22 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis8:22&version=NKJVGlobal warming, or climate change is neither a conservative nor a liberal thing. It is scientific fact . None of the conservatives who are trying to "debunk" it has a doctorate in climatology .
They don't know diddly squat about this field of science . They ignorantly mistake weather for climate, even though these are different things .
Fracking ? This has been causing earthquakes in parts of America where they had never happened before . Regardless of whether you believe in global warming or not , pollution is a grave threat to the entire world . Big industrialists in America are trying to "debunk " global warming because
they are greedy bastards who don't want the government to make essential laws which would interfere with their ability to rake in the billions .
They could not care less if they pour massive amounts of toxic raw sewage into our rivers,lakes and streams, and the oceans . Humans are expendable to them .
There is a giant mass of discarded plastic and other garbage floating in the Pacific and it is approximately the size of Texas . This not good .
Global warming, or climate change is neither a conservative nor a liberal thing. It is scientific fact .
None of the conservatives who are trying to "debunk" it has a doctorate in climatology .
They don't know diddly squat about this field of science . They ignorantly mistake weather for climate, even though these are different things .
Fracking ? This has been causing earthquakes in parts of America where they had never happened before .
Regardless of whether you believe in global warming or not ,
.. make essential laws ...
...i am certified with a MSEd to teach science in secondary education. Before that I worked for decades as a science professional with a Master of Science degree in a specific field of Chemistry...
...Climate control is an issue of common sense - allow man to just pollute a river...
Personally, whenever I read or hear of such credentials, the first thing that comes to my mind is those lessons in Elementary School about pioneering "outsiders" like Louis Pasteur and Marie Curie, and countless others like them, who's discoveries down through history were repeatedly met with great, at times even dangerous, resistance by status quo individuals who'd readily cite their credentials as an evidence they were right to oppose them, persecute them, jail them, even have them burned alive.
what is the major greenhouse gas?
i'll give you a hint - your unpolluted river is just full of it
and the horn is totally ignorant of it - betcha you are too
... a doctorate in climatology ....
... They don't know diddly squat about this field of science...
...common sense - no degree on one's wall needed. None.
Climate control is an issue of common sense...
Yep, I am.
But I'm more than fine with Romans 1's assertion that the things not seen are easily understood by the things that are.
All the evidence I need of the need for exercising wise control over one's dealings with one's environment, is right here within my own physical body.
You and I differ in outlook on these issues.
It is what it is.
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” - Genesis 8:22 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis8:22&version=NKJV
There is a giant mass of discarded plastic and other garbage floating in the Pacific and it is approximately the size of Texas . This (is) not good .
Overall, worldwide, most of the plastic trash in the ocean comes from Asia. In fact, the top six countries for ocean garbage are China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Thailand, according to a 2015 study in the journal Science. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech...ge-patch-where-did-all-trash-come/1133838002/ |
None of the conservatives who are trying to "debunk" it has a doctorate in climatology .
None of the conservatives who are trying to "debunk" it has a doctorate in climatology .
Here's all the data I need on this topic.
A promise from the Creator of the planet we live upon that so long as it remains, the cycles we have today shall continue indefinitely.
That means, that God was smart enough to create a system that can withstand even man's fiddling.