Give me liberty of give me death!
I vaguely remember reading those words in a school text book, many years ago. I recall those profound words being characterized as "Patrick Henry's immortal words". Boy was that text book ever wrong about being immortal! I wonder if those words are ever even utter in an urban class room today, let alone taught?
As I re-read Henry's speech this morning, many passages came to remind me of current events. But one sticks out and I thought of Trump. The quote is "This is no time for ceremony". That hits Trump head on.
The supporters of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders surly wouldn't have the slightest concept of liberty or dying for the sake of it. What would the common refrain be from one of their supporters?
So, juxtapose Henry's word's "Give me liberty or give me death" to the common tenets of the left and what words do you get?
Perhaps you will hear something like this: "Give us what we want or we will burn it down!"
Patrick Henry link:
I vaguely remember reading those words in a school text book, many years ago. I recall those profound words being characterized as "Patrick Henry's immortal words". Boy was that text book ever wrong about being immortal! I wonder if those words are ever even utter in an urban class room today, let alone taught?
As I re-read Henry's speech this morning, many passages came to remind me of current events. But one sticks out and I thought of Trump. The quote is "This is no time for ceremony". That hits Trump head on.
The supporters of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders surly wouldn't have the slightest concept of liberty or dying for the sake of it. What would the common refrain be from one of their supporters?
So, juxtapose Henry's word's "Give me liberty or give me death" to the common tenets of the left and what words do you get?
Perhaps you will hear something like this: "Give us what we want or we will burn it down!"
Patrick Henry link: