Giuliani will reopen Clinton email probe if Trump wins

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Giuliani will reopen Clinton email probe if Trump wins

CLEVELAND — Rudy Giuliani says the criminal case against Hillary Clinton in the e-mail scandal would be revived if Republicans take back the White House — and he’d like to be the one to prosecute her.

Speaking to a fired-up New York delegation at the GOP convention on Thursday, the former mayor ignited cheers of “Lock her up!” when he said Clinton was beating the judicial system.

“We can’t do anything about that yet,” Giuliani said. “If Donald Trump becomes president, the statute of limitations is not up. There is no double jeopardy . . . We can reopen the case.”

patrick jane


Giuliani will reopen Clinton email probe if Trump wins

CLEVELAND — Rudy Giuliani says the criminal case against Hillary Clinton in the e-mail scandal would be revived if Republicans take back the White House — and he’d like to be the one to prosecute her.

Speaking to a fired-up New York delegation at the GOP convention on Thursday, the former mayor ignited cheers of “Lock her up!” when he said Clinton was beating the judicial system.

“We can’t do anything about that yet,” Giuliani said. “If Donald Trump becomes president, the statute of limitations is not up. There is no double jeopardy . . . We can reopen the case.”

That would be a dream come true for me, to prosecute Hitlery again for real this time -
What do you think they'd do to some poor slob working for the CIA, running an insecure server from home with Top Secret information on it? Let's say an unintentional Snowden? Throw the book at him, of course, and probably each piece of classified information a different criminal count in the indictment. (It's like some bizarre scene from a "Societies Gone Wild" or "Unregenerates Gone Wild" video that, in Hillary's case, let's elect her President. You couldn't make this stuff up.)

It's a no-brainer they would make an example of such a person, to show the law has teeth. It's not what anybody thinks of Hillary Clinton the issue, but whether there is rule of law to be respected.

We live in a society where people of no inherent creative worth or real accomplishment in their lives, whose primary qualifications are being from corrupt money or the member of a college frat, are given a pass on having to be a law abiding citizen, even given the keys to government. And how many people are emboldened to evil, when you see these idiots skate in evil? This is exactly the sort of thing that left Rome in ruins: the higher they rise, the harder they fall.

Matthew 7

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

And forget the server, then. What about perjury? How many lies did Hillary tell Congress? Her campaign, well, any campaign anymore, ought to have the slogan, "Liar, liar, pants on fire, so vote for me!" What is America's love affair with proven liars all about, anyway? They say even a monkey learns the first time it sees a snake.
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Rudy the Nazi.

Another reason to vote for Hilary.

How much did the Congress spend on hearings, that got nowhere?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Rudy the Nazi......
Typical idiotic, moronic, and LIBERAL response: high-five the criminals and hate law enforcement. Sure, only a Nazi would want to prosecute a federal criminal.

I wish I could send you back in a time machine to Nazi Germany so you could see what a real Nazi is..... ......and leave you there.
Correction. The slogan should probably have read, "Liar, liar, pantsuits on fire, so vote for me!" Sorry Hillary. And sorry liberals. I've thought about it, and I'd readily vote for a baboon, if they ran one against Hillary, as long as the nuclear codes system remains in place, of course. No problem.

You can't argue we'd be in historically better hands, either. He may throw food all over the place and relieve himself on the carpet, but that would, at least, be confined to the Oval Office.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Correction. The slogan should probably have read, "Liar, liar, pantsuits on fire, so vote for me!" Sorry Hillary. And sorry liberals. I've thought about it, and I'd readily vote for a baboon, if they ran one against Hillary........
Fortunately, instead of a baboon., we are running against Hillary a successful businessman and one who cares more about Americans than illegal aliens and Muslim terrorists like Billary does.

.....How much did the Congress spend on hearings, that got nowhere?
That's what happens when the witnesses are liars and crooks. Any more stupid posts you'd like to add?
Fortunately, instead of a baboon., we are running against Hillary a successful businessman and one who cares more about Americans than illegal aliens and Muslim terrorists like Billary does.

Will have to leave that to your discretion, as I just don't know much about the man. He had a reality show I saw maybe two times, but took a pass on sending any fan mail, this for the show's rather marginal intellectual stimulation. One episode they were running lemonade stands in New York City, as I recall, though I forget whether any of them were successful. Otherwise, I heard a thing or two about multiple bankruptcies. Would that have merited a, "You're fired!" on the TV show? (Enquiring minds want to know...) Some other facts don't quite comport with that which brings me abundant comfort, but I don't know the man to comment on whether he's the one to drive Obama's racing vehicle off the cliff, finally, that is, carry forward the Clinton-Bush-Obama legacy, or break with the tradition of most all campaign rhetoric being metaphysically impossible phony baloney. Only time will tell.

Anybody but Hillary, true, but I find it lamentable a baboon won't get nominated, which I was comfortable with.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The only reason he had a reality show is because he was already a billionaire business man and real estate mogul, and he did that because he knows how to run things.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Rudy Giuliani: 'We Can Reopen the Case' Against Hillary


Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server to send and receive classified information as secretary of state can be looked into again if Republican Donald Trump defeats her and becomes president, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani says.

"The national security case against her is so strong that I've convicted people based on 10 percent" of the evidence against Clinton, Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor as well, told the New York delegation breakfast Thursday, according to Politico.



Just out of curiosity Catfish, what do you think the former drag queen and his boyfriend would charge Clinton with?


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Just out of curiosity Catfish, what do you think the former drag queen and his boyfriend would charge Clinton with?


Every time you post, you reveal more and more what an ignorant lowlife you are.

In the great tradition of Milton Berl and Lucille Ball, drag humor has always been fun entertainment. Leave to a freak like to to make something perverted out of it.


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Typical idiotic, moronic, and LIBERAL response: high-five the criminals and hate law enforcement. Sure, only a Nazi would want to prosecute a federal criminal.

I wish I could send you back in a time machine to Nazi Germany so you could see what a real Nazi is..... ......and leave you there.

A real Nazi, yeah, I may have maligned Rudy. After all he is not the one who demonized an ethnic group, made fun of a handicapped person, wants to amend defamation statutes, cried like a baby when a judge ruled against him, now threatens us with THE POLICE.
Right that was your boy Donny. Who is that like now? Oh, yeah, A. Hilter.