Genesis and the Law of Moses.


Shalom. Today is Sheni, Ziv 19.

What is the Law of Moses? Is Genesis a part of the Law of Moses? What does the Bible say about this?

God's name is found in Genesis, though it is revealed to Moses after this time.

I understand the Torah, the Law, the Five Books of Moses, to be the first five books of the TaNaKh and the Bible. I have called them the Law of Moses, but maybe not the Mosaic Law, so what is the Law of Moses? Would you refer to these five books as the Mosaic Law?




Repent and believe in Messiah Jacob. Your current theology is sending you to hell. You may be demonized which is why you continued your blasphemy here as Jacob aka Untellectual. I had you pegged a while back and just felt a need to proclaim that you are a heretic demonic that preaches another Jesus of a similar kind but who is not God the Son.

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Repent and believe in Messiah Jacob. Your current theology is sending you to hell. You may be demonized which is why you continued your blasphemy here as Jacob aka Untellectual. I had you pegged a while back and just felt a need to proclaim that you are a heretic demonic that preaches another Jesus of a similar kind but who is not God the Son.

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No. Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. You are gravely mistaken.



Bradley D

Well-known member
I call the first five books of the OT the Pentateuch. History has given Moses authorship. I am restudying it now. Am in the book of Deuteronomy. According to the Pentateuch Genesis goes form the "beginning" to God's people ending up in Egypt. Then in Exodus Moses comes and starts receiving the commandments/law from God. Interesting is that the people keep rejecting the law. In Deuteronomy Moses tells the people that to keep the law is a blessing, whereas to not keep it is a terrible "curse." The the people kept slipping and choosing the curse.


Well-known member
Shalom. Today is Sheni, Ziv 19.

What is the Law of Moses? Is Genesis a part of the Law of Moses? What does the Bible say about this?

God's name is found in Genesis, though it is revealed to Moses after this time.

I understand the Torah, the Law, the Five Books of Moses, to be the first five books of the TaNaKh and the Bible. I have called them the Law of Moses, but maybe not the Mosaic Law, so what is the Law of Moses? Would you refer to these five books as the Mosaic Law?



Yes, Genesis is part of the Torah, (it is all one scroll as you no doubt already know). But also Stephen says that the Torah given to Moses contains the living oracles, sayings, Words of the Father, and therefore the Torah is the Living Word of the Father.

Acts 7:37-38
37 This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall Elohim raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me.
38 This is he that was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel that spoke to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received living oracles
[λογια ζωντα - "Living Logia-Words"] to give unto us:

Romans 3:1-2
1 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what is the profit of circumcision?
2 Much every way: first of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles
[λογια] of Elohim.

No doubt the Torah was considered by the Apostles to be the Living Word of Elohim. :)
(Though some could say this concerns "oral tradition" that would be a serious problem here).


I call the first five books of the OT the Pentateuch. History has given Moses authorship. I am restudying it now. Am in the book of Deuteronomy. According to the Pentateuch Genesis goes form the "beginning" to God's people ending up in Egypt. Then in Exodus Moses comes and starts receiving the commandments/law from God. Interesting is that the people keep rejecting the law. In Deuteronomy Moses tells the people that to keep the law is a blessing, whereas to not keep it is a terrible "curse." The the people kept slipping and choosing the curse.

With Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, I do not know these to be a chronology.




Yes, Genesis is part of the Torah, (it is all one scroll as you no doubt already know). But also Stephen says that the Torah given to Moses contains the living oracles, sayings, Words of the Father, and therefore the Torah is the Living Word of the Father.

Acts 7:37-38
37 This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall Elohim raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me.
38 This is he that was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel that spoke to him in the Mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received living oracles
[λογια ζωντα - "Living Logia-Words"] to give unto us:

Romans 3:1-2
1 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what is the profit of circumcision?
2 Much every way: first of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles
[λογια] of Elohim.

No doubt the Torah was considered by the Apostles to be the Living Word of Elohim. :)
(Though some could say this concerns "oral tradition" that would be a serious problem here).

Interesting thoughts. Are the oracles of God, the word of God, the Torah or the TaNaKh? Torah or the TaNaKh is the Written Word of God.





I do not know that. I do know that Jesus is the Son of God.



You are demonized and are going to hell. You cannot say that Jesus is God because you have a counterfeit Jesus and not the real one. I'm sharing this in love, you go to hell.

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You are demonized and are going to hell. You cannot say that Jesus is God because you have a counterfeit Jesus and not the real one. I'm sharing this in love, you go to hell.

No. You are incorrect. Jesus is the Son of God. There is nothing in the Bible about Jesus being God or else you are going to hell.

Who is the picture in or for your avatar?

