Genesis and Race


New member
I belly laughed as a young boy when told race was not mentioned by God in the bible. Decades later I have learned the truth.

Snake in sanskrit is "Naga", and combined with it's phallic nature, is the symbol of race in Genesis.

I also learned and believe as the truth that Eden is a reference to prehistoric Egypt. The Fall from Grace was the usurping and rape of agricultural Eden by hunters from the interior. Snakes as reptilian hunters serve again as a symbol here.

The apple/fruit is a bribe presented to Adam by Eve but suggested by the "Naga". It seems to be primarily Applephilia/fruitophilia and the consumption there of, but the bribe could be many things.

In conclusion it appears Genesis is a reference to a much longer history that has been concealed. Closer to 60,000 than 6000 years. Cannibalism is a central theme. I hope some of you crackers will find this stuff interesting
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I'm not talking about the word "tempt." I'm talking about the word "apple." What verse says Eve tempted Adam with an apple?


New member
I'm not talking about the word "tempt." I'm talking about the word "apple." What verse says Eve tempted Adam with an apple?
"Fruit" is the ambiguous word used, but the story is often told with a specific fruit like Apple or Pomegranate. Should I change my description to fruitophilia. It actually sounds better since they are a bunch of fruity fruitcakes after all.


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"Fruit" is the ambiguous word used, but the story is often told with a specific fruit like Apple or Pomegranate. Should I change my description to fruitophilia. It actually sounds better since they are a bunch of fruity fruitcakes after all.

That, and this thread, reminds me of this video...


Right Divider

Body part
This is a theology forum do you think "A voice crying in the wilderness" "My flesh is meat, My blood is drink" is referencing anything other than cannibalism. How much more direct can language be.
The Bible is FULL of figures of speech. If you cannot understand these, you'll be totally confused (as you do appear to be).


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This is a theology forum

Indeed it is. You'd think I would know that, being an admin here...

do you think "A voice crying in the wilderness" "My flesh is meat, My blood is drink" is referencing anything other than cannibalism. How much more direct can language be.

I think that such was an intentionally offensive statement.


New member
Indeed it is. You'd think I would know that, being an admin here...

I think that such was an intentionally offensive statement.
Jesus Christ didn't die for figures of speech, babies aren't circumcised for figures of speech. I found your original post condescending and insulting. This is all serious to me


New member
No, I don think that "connecting scripture to reality" is spam.
I think that your 1st post was spam.
My first post describing how race is described in Genesis, but in coded fashion? As with "Eden" being Egypt? All left in the good book so we can't get Gypped out of our true history as human beings? Ok.
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Jesus Christ didn't die for figures of speech,

Of course He didn't. Yet He used them on a regular basis to describe other things, along with metaphors, parables, and He even hid things from people to accomplish His will that would have otherwise saved them.

babies aren't circumcised for figures of speech.

Circumcision is a symbol of something else.

Don't like it? Too bad. That's what the Bible teaches.

I found your original post condescending and insulting.

That was intentional.

I find your rationalization of things in scripture to mean something other than what they are intended to mean condescending and offensive.

I'll advise you, if you intend to stay and participate on TOL, go read

Thicker skin.
Grow it.

This is all serious to me

That's nice.