Gayness is inborn and gender is fluid???

patrick jane




"Gayness"? Don't be afraid to use the word homosexuality (there's nothing 'happy' about the behavior nor the lifestyle).

The movie "I am Michael" really isn't as conservative as American Thinker portrays it to be.

It opened in the Castro District of San Fransicko of all places, hardly a place to promote conversion therapy (the sodomites would have burned the theater down had that been the theme of the movie).


New member
Despite decades of fruitless research on a genetic or hormonal cause, homosexuality is said to be immutable (while gender, determined at both the genital and chromosomal level, is strangely seen as something one can adjust as he desires).

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Gender is set, it is sense of gender that is fluid for a time; during the child's early developmental stages of its' sense of who and what said child is.

The wrong chemical mix within that child however, can throw that off if, not caught and properly guided.

And being that the child is developing its sense of who and what it is - ANY - severe interruption of that introduced into said developing sense of self, can end up a part of the resulting sense of who and what that child is.

The phrase "and ever since that day, I have always felt...been compelled to...and so on...whenever...this...that...the present" is actually a statement about that...

(Stimulus response conditioning)

And often such conditioning is so profound that it results in a one trial learning that from that day forward, is forever a part of said child's sense of self...

THIS is why the sexual predator of children is so heinous an individual.

Not only their knowingly robbing a child of that; but their joying in it.


New member
Hall of Fame


Despite decades of fruitless research on a genetic or hormonal cause, homosexuality is said to be immutable (while gender, determined at both the genital and chromosomal level, is strangely seen as something one can adjust as he desires).

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Not seeing the problem here. Two catagories: 'genetalia' and 'homosexuality'.

Are you conflating the two in an effort to spin some anti-gay political yarn? Tsk tsk.


New member
Not seeing the problem here. Two catagories: 'genetalia' and 'homosexuality'.

Are you conflating the two in an effort to spin some anti-gay political yarn? Tsk tsk.

These arguments are held by the pro perversion communitynity despite being contradictory in tactics used.


Innateness and fluidity are opposites. They push gayness and gender bending using whatever works with no proof for either.


Look, you have an innate homosexual male...that is, he's attracted to other males which - by way of - identifies himself as female...and "fluidly" alters accordingly.


New member

Look, you have an innate homosexual male...that is, he's attracted to other males which - by way of - identifies himself as female...and "fluidly" alters accordingly.

That is absolute nonsense.

The identifying of sense of self as such by a child and or its parent is much like when one reads the wrong thing into another's words and runs with it convinced they have "read them right; got their number" and or such other forms of mis-fires in perception concluded on not only to soon; but absent of having weighed out all aspects of a thing before concluding on it, let alone; soundly.

The fact is that children have no business dictating they are gay or straight or transgender, or what ever other sense of self the incompetent and the depraved might come up with down the road, anymore than they do wanting to go play in traffic.

They don't know any better.

What is going on is parents who are as "wise" in their discernment of what to do upon encountering such issues, as a parent who concludes they know what they are doing when they decide to leave their toddler in the back seat of their car on a scorching hot day "just for a moment."

Yours is nothing more than just a different shade of the extreme through which many on here are looking at these issues.


Homosexuality as 'innate' is pseudo science, and nothing confirms it better than the so called psychologists and doctors who attempt to explain it as such :chuckle:

When it comes down to it, it is a 'phenomenon' which they simply assume and then try to mend together with speculation. It's simply liberal canon- a dogma- to call it true.

The Horn

If homosexuality is nothing but a personal choice , why would gay people "choose" to be gay in a world which is so hostile to them ? This makes absolutely no sense .
Whether a gay gene exists or not is irrelevant and immaterial . People who are hostile to gays use the claim that there is no gay gene as an excuse to justify denying gay people rights and even persecuting them .
I'm a heterosexual . Did I choose to be straight ? Nope. I just began to feel attracted to the opposite sex as an adolescent . This is normal . Its the same with gay people. They realize when they are the same age that they are attracted to the same sex .
We don't know why some people feel the need to change their gender to the opposite sex , but we know it does happen .
Homosexuality ha existed from the very beginning of mankind and will exist as long as human beings are on earth . We know it is found in hundreds of animal species . And it's not going away - get over it !
Criminalizing gay sex is as idiotic as criminalizing the use of the left hand to write and do other things with it .
All so-called "ex gays " are brainwashed Christians who have been taught to feel shame for something which is entirely natural . They inevitably revert .