Hi Danoh and every time some one answers any post it is DOCTRINE or Teaching !!
In Gal 3:28 means exactly what it says , there can not be MALE and FEMALE "in Christ " Jesus !!
In 2 Cor 6:18 says , And I will be a Father to you and you we be sons and daughters to Me says ( the ) Lord Almighty !!
The Greek words WILL BE / ECOMAI and SHALL BE / ECOMAI are in the FUTURE TENSE , so when will that happen ??
I believe that future will be in EITHER the Millennium OR after the DISPENSATION OF THE FULNESS OF TIMES !!
Gal 3:28 we are a NEW CREATION in Christ , a different thing !!
I am sure that you did come up with same thng ,Danoh , good job !!
dan p
Your "Greek" often turns out as poor as your English.
2 Cor. 6:18 is in the future, in the Greek, true.
But Doctrinally it is not.
Doctrinally, it is present tense.
Doctrinally, it is the Doctrine of the Believer's PRESENT reality...in Christ.
Paul is merely reminding them OF their present reality - the present reality that passage he is quoting as to its OPERATING PRINCIPLE, that that passage promised "the children of God" would one day be their present reality.
Israel's has been delayed. Ours has not.
Ours is now.
Paul is merely reminding them OF their present reality: he is merely reminding them to walk in who God HAS made them in His Son as His children (as Believers).
And that passage is actually a case of one of those moments of many within Paul's writings, of things shared by both the Israel of God (Believing Remnant of Israel sealed prior to Israel's fall), and the Body of Christ (formerly lost Jews and Gentiles this side of Israel's fall; temporary setting aside; and calling of Paul) as children of God.
A moment, of those "spiritual things...of God" that both share.
That is to say, same PRINCIPLE within BOTH Prophecy and Mystery; different IN OPERATION and INTENDED RESULT in EACH: Prophecy and Mystery.
Its called actual, consistent, "Acts 9," Mid-Acts Dispensationalism" Dan.
The things that...are the same within...the things that differ...in Christ.
Ephesians 3:15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
There are things that differ (in operation) between the Israel of God and the Body of Christ.
And there are things that are the same (in principle) between them.
No Greek so often needed, DanP.
Rom. 5:6-8.