From Antichrist to Brother in Christ


[From Antichrist to Brother in Christ Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "More than half of evangelical pastors say Pope Francis :eek:linger: is their brother in Christ. More than one-third say they value the pope's view on theology, and 3 in 10 say he has improved their view of the Catholic Church. Those are among the findings of a new study of 1,000 Protestant senior pastors, released this week from Nashville-based LifeWay Research. Overall, the survey found that many Protestant pastors have taken a liking to Pope Francis.
Nearly 4 in 10 say the pope, known for his humility and concern for the poor, has had a positive impact on their opinions of the Catholic Church. Almost two-thirds view Pope Francis as a genuine Christian and "brother in Christ." Read more.

[Mike Gendron Comment] This is why we receive so much "friendly fire" from evangelicals and why we must continue to expose the false and fatal gospel of Roman Catholicism. The stunning statistics reported by LifeWay Research are the tragic results of all the unity accords signed by highly visible evangelical leaders. Most evangelicals do not know if the Roman Catholic Church represents a huge mission field that needs to be evangelized or a Christian denomination made up of brothers and sisters in Christ. By God's grace, we will continue to make the truth known and encourage evangelicals to reach out to those who are on the broad road to destruction."
Re 17:5