Friday's Nationwide Rally Against Obamacare
This is the show from Wednesday, March 21st 2012.
* Homeschoolers Not Allowed to Teach the Truth in Canada: A new law in Alberta, Canada outlaws teaching children of homeschools, Catholic and private schools that homosexuality is a sin.
* Religious Freedoms Attacked by Obama: Not to be outdone by our liberal, heathen neighbors to the north, the Obama administration is trying to force religious organizations, churches and hospitals to include abortion, sterialization and contraceptives (some of which are nothing more that abortifactients) in their health care plans. There will be rallies organized by The Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom protesting this new mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) this Friday, March 23rd, in over 140 US cities! Here in Denver, protestors will meet on the steps of the Capital.
1. Our newest monthly subscription is our Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a multiple CD album.
2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a months worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are great for starting a family Bible study of even a neighborhood study.
3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.
4. Monthly Bible Study Audios on MP3- CD.
5. Monthly Sermon Audios on MP3-CD.
6. Monthly Topical Videos - Each month your will get one of Bob's great topical videos.
7. Best of Bob - Each month you get the best 8 shows of the month on MP3-CD.
8. Monthly TV Classics
9. Monthly Donation
* Free Gift: When you subscribe to any monthly subscription, new monthly donation of $20.00 or more or a one time donation of $50.00 or more, we will send you Bob's video series Having a Great Prayer Life.
Order or donate online or call 303-463-7789 or 1-800-8Enyart.
This is the show from Wednesday, March 21st 2012.
Our governor and any state legislator, regardless of what the Supreme Court rules, have a duty (a sworn constitutional duty that they have sworn before Almighty God) to ignore all unconstitutional court opinions and laws. Period. End of story.
* Homeschoolers Not Allowed to Teach the Truth in Canada: A new law in Alberta, Canada outlaws teaching children of homeschools, Catholic and private schools that homosexuality is a sin.
* Religious Freedoms Attacked by Obama: Not to be outdone by our liberal, heathen neighbors to the north, the Obama administration is trying to force religious organizations, churches and hospitals to include abortion, sterialization and contraceptives (some of which are nothing more that abortifactients) in their health care plans. There will be rallies organized by The Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom protesting this new mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) this Friday, March 23rd, in over 140 US cities! Here in Denver, protestors will meet on the steps of the Capital.
1. Our newest monthly subscription is our Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a multiple CD album.
2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a months worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are great for starting a family Bible study of even a neighborhood study.
3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.
4. Monthly Bible Study Audios on MP3- CD.
5. Monthly Sermon Audios on MP3-CD.
6. Monthly Topical Videos - Each month your will get one of Bob's great topical videos.
7. Best of Bob - Each month you get the best 8 shows of the month on MP3-CD.
8. Monthly TV Classics
9. Monthly Donation
* Free Gift: When you subscribe to any monthly subscription, new monthly donation of $20.00 or more or a one time donation of $50.00 or more, we will send you Bob's video series Having a Great Prayer Life.
Order or donate online or call 303-463-7789 or 1-800-8Enyart.