Four Screams
Monday July 24th, 2006. This is show #146.
From Counter Protester Scream:
* Counter Protester Scream: you can watch the 13-second clip, Veins Popping Out, of an anarchist counter protester shouting Hail Sodomy in the face of a praying prolifer, while another liberal waves a sign that says Sodomy Prevents Abortion, filmed in Jackson MS during the Operation Save America evangelistic event.
* Atheists Scream at TOL: now that creationists falsified the results of radiometric dating of the lava dome at Mount St. Helens which dated 10-year-old rock as somewhere between 300,000 and 3,000,000 years old, Geochron Labs of Cambridge, Mass., has stopped using potassium-argon, and TheologyOnline atheists yell foul because our scientists submitted a sample rock that could actually validate or falsify the claimed million-year-old results.
* Saturn's Rings Scream: It's a young earth after all! While this photo of Saturn looks too perfect, almost like a computer-generated image, it is actually one of NASA's Cassini spacecraft photos. Now, atheists fret that Saturn's rings are missing four billion years of dust, for they are 99 percent pure ice, suggesting that they have not been exposed to our solar system for billions of years (quite as we creationists have been saying all along)!
* Hezbollah Scream: Israel's fighting too fiercely, we didn't expect this!
Today's Resource: Enjoy this two-hour moderated Age of the Earth Debate on whether we live on a young or old earth on this MP3 CD! Order online, call 800-8Enyart, or send $24.95 to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001.
Monday July 24th, 2006. This is show #146.
From Counter Protester Scream:
From Atheists Scream at TOL:This young guy is standing there with a bible and he's praying, worshipping the Lord. He has a t-shirt on. It says, "ShadowGov.Com" which points, of course, to one of our websites. He's praying. And [the counter protester] wants to interfere with him praying and worshipping the Lord. That's because she believes in tolerance and diversity.
From Saturn's Rings Scream:Don't listen to the T.O.L. atheists when they say [potassium-argon dating] doesn't work under 2 million years old. It doesn't work under 3 million. It doesn't work under a billion. You know how we know? Because they take rock and they potassium-argon date it and they say it's a billion years old. Then they break it up and you know what they find in it? They find carbon molecules, biological life, they find protein molecules, they find DNA and they even find living bacteria in rocks they date to be a million years old, even a billion years old. And guess what? Biological life doesn't survive inside of a rock a billion years old with no water and no food. Biological life is not perpetual.
From Hezbollah Scream:From the Casini probe space craft, what they found out was that Saturn's rings are 99 percent pure. In other words, there's missing dust. If those rings had been out there for 4 1/2 billion years they should be covered in space dust. And New Scientist magazine writes that, "Saturn's rings are just getting weirder and weirder the closer we look at them." They can't figure out why they're so pure, 99 percent pure ice, clean and bright. And we know why there's 4 billion years of missing dust on Saturn, because it wasn't there for 4 billion years. God specially created the universe just in the last thousands of years not millions or billions of years ago. And so here's yet another piece of evidence.
Summary:The Lebanese government, the Lebanese people have to be punished for allowing terrorists to operate freely in their borders so that the terrorists will be as much of a threat to Lebanese security as they are to Israeli security.
* Counter Protester Scream: you can watch the 13-second clip, Veins Popping Out, of an anarchist counter protester shouting Hail Sodomy in the face of a praying prolifer, while another liberal waves a sign that says Sodomy Prevents Abortion, filmed in Jackson MS during the Operation Save America evangelistic event.
* Atheists Scream at TOL: now that creationists falsified the results of radiometric dating of the lava dome at Mount St. Helens which dated 10-year-old rock as somewhere between 300,000 and 3,000,000 years old, Geochron Labs of Cambridge, Mass., has stopped using potassium-argon, and TheologyOnline atheists yell foul because our scientists submitted a sample rock that could actually validate or falsify the claimed million-year-old results.
* Saturn's Rings Scream: It's a young earth after all! While this photo of Saturn looks too perfect, almost like a computer-generated image, it is actually one of NASA's Cassini spacecraft photos. Now, atheists fret that Saturn's rings are missing four billion years of dust, for they are 99 percent pure ice, suggesting that they have not been exposed to our solar system for billions of years (quite as we creationists have been saying all along)!
* Hezbollah Scream: Israel's fighting too fiercely, we didn't expect this!
Today's Resource: Enjoy this two-hour moderated Age of the Earth Debate on whether we live on a young or old earth on this MP3 CD! Order online, call 800-8Enyart, or send $24.95 to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001.