Former Republican Chairman on Compromise
This is the show from Wednesday July 11th, 2007.
* Steve Curtis: is startlingly honest about the moral compromise in the Republican party and among America's Christian leaders. Hear some fascinating insights as Steve and Bob talk about Republican party politics. Instead of our Christian ministries pulling our politicians heavenward, our Christian leaders are being dragged downward into secular humanism.
Today's Resource: Dave from Ormond Beach Florida ordered twenty copies of our 40 Years in the Wilderness DVD! Have you ordered your extra copies yet for your friends and church library?
Post-Show Note: Could you please consider making a donation (it's NOT tax-deductible) to Bob Enyart Live? We have been fighting as hard as we know how to, and we truly need your help! Please consider helping by making a donation either online or by calling 800-8Enyart. Thank you so much! -Bob Enyart
This is the show from Wednesday July 11th, 2007.
The Christian Dr. Dobson have praised [judges]...for holding up this...level of precedence as if precedence is the goal. Well, when the precedence is evil then what they're saying is the good thing is to continue to uphold that. And I'm just wondering how you wedge Christianity into this thought process at any point. You can't. You can't.
And how dare you even bring it down to this, saying to Christians, "We're your leaders. Follow us." Follow you where? To the pit of Hell?
One way to translate "stare decisis" into the vernacular is, "We must obey man rather than God."
The pro-life movement has been immoral. And how do you know that? Jesus said look at their fruit. Don't look at their words. Look at their fruit. And the fruit of the last 15 years is a brutally wicked ruling. And they praised it.
SUMMARY:We're going to have to fix this problem the way that movements in the past have fixed problems because the leaders won't lead because typically they're immoral. So there has to be a raucous group, a small group of dissidents, like Colorado Right To Life, who are not going to tolerate the killing of innocent children. And we make enough social tension that eventually it's not worth it. Eventually slavery is given up because the cost is too high. Eventually abortion will end because there's too much tension in society.
* Steve Curtis: is startlingly honest about the moral compromise in the Republican party and among America's Christian leaders. Hear some fascinating insights as Steve and Bob talk about Republican party politics. Instead of our Christian ministries pulling our politicians heavenward, our Christian leaders are being dragged downward into secular humanism.
Today's Resource: Dave from Ormond Beach Florida ordered twenty copies of our 40 Years in the Wilderness DVD! Have you ordered your extra copies yet for your friends and church library?
Post-Show Note: Could you please consider making a donation (it's NOT tax-deductible) to Bob Enyart Live? We have been fighting as hard as we know how to, and we truly need your help! Please consider helping by making a donation either online or by calling 800-8Enyart. Thank you so much! -Bob Enyart