Foreign Policy and Local Insanity Debates


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Foreign Policy and Local Insanity Debates

This is the show from Monday, October 22nd, 2012.


* Foreign Policy Debate -- Who Killed More? Since his false pro-life conversion in 2006, by using grisly medical procedures including the dismembering of children, Mitt Romney has killed more Jews than have Islamic terrorists.

* Will Duffy Rebukes Local Pastor Bobby: Bob presents a Facebook dialogue between Will Duffy and a local, don't-judge, all-you-need-is-love pastor. This pastor sees some innocent children as undeserving of his love and protection. Yet God commands us to love our neighbor, to protect the innocent, and explicitly prohibits us from killing the innocent and from punishing a child for the crime of the father. In his brokenness, he says, "I see every reason to believe that God would allow that child to be executed... The question is, how do you know that God wants us to love the baby...?" Bobby's defense of killing children is a symptom of the Don't Judge and Nicer-than-God syndromes.

* This Debate Excerpt Says It All: The debates are essentially mindless gibberish, as this YouTube excerpt makes plainly clear...

* Trying to Stay on the Air: We're at $15,200 of our $30,000 goal to help keep Bob Enyart Live and Real Science Friday on the radio for another year! Please click here to help!

Today's Resource: For our BEL Telethon, please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and will equip you to be a better witness to those around you.


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* Baby Shower for a Rescued Child: Post-show good news update with mom Beatrice, rescuer Jo Scott, and the inimitable Chet Gallagher behind the camera interviewing the gals!
