Ford Breaks Promise to Christians, Funds Homosexuals

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Ford Breaks Promise to Christians, Funds Homosexuals

Wednesday March 15th, 2006. This is show # 53.

Just a few months ago Ford Motor Company agreed with the American Family Association that they would stop funding homosexual organizations that were advocating to legalize homosexual marriage. ...Then the homosexuals heard about the decision and they confronted Ford and Ford caved in. ...Now 18 organizations have joined with the A.F.A. calling for a boycott of Ford Motor Company and if it takes off it could devastate Ford. It could absolutely devastate Ford.
* Walmart is poised to become the primary abortion provider in America, with their decision to sell abortifacients, a pill that causes an abortion if the woman is pregnant in the earliest stages of the baby’s life.
* Iowa officials "tout" their success, in that they *increased* the number of Iowans on food stamps by 42 percent in three years! And Republican administrations increase entitlement spending far faster than do Democratic presidencies.
* Ford Motor Company reneges on agreement with Christians to continue funding homosexual groups.
* Nancy Pelosi unveiled some of the Democrat agenda, including free broadband access for all (but no cars, refrigerators, etc.), and support for American workers to unionize (although they better not try that at the Pelosi-owned golf course, hotels, and restaurants, where she does not allow unions!
* 2 murdered, 2 hurt in a California Denny's by a murderer who then committed suicide and found himself in the hands (Heb. 10:31) of a vengeful God.
* Email: "Bob, we will fool the American public by changing the name of the Roe v Wade decision to Smith vs Jones, and then we’ll abolish Smith vs Jones, and the public will never catch on!"
* Guest Dr. Patrick Johnston: Director of Association of Pro-Life Physicians, says the largest special-interest group of our OB-GYN doctors rejects the re-definition of the terms "conception" and "pregnancy" and opposes abortifacients like the "morning after pill." And Doc opposes Colorado's H.B. 1212 which promotes the sale of abortifacients which by design kill countless embryos.
Today's Resource: Bob's life's work, a 330-page overview of the whole Bible titled The Plot, presents an Overview of the Bible as the Key to its details!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I thought the flap about Ford was they advertised in homo magazines.
I heard that all the other car companies do too.
Why they just pick'n on Ford?


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, other than the usual hysterics, folks should just boycott Ford if they're upset about this move.
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