Focus II Film Festival Finalist!
This is the show from Monday October 29th, 2007.
* Documentary One of Five Finalists: The awards ceremony emcee announced o ur Focus on the Strategy II DVD (previously titled Forty Years in the Wilderness) as one of the five finalists at the 2007 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival! The competition was excellent, so "finalist" is as far as we got! 120 films were submitted, and the judges rejected two-thirds, leaving 39 as semi-finalists. There were 11 documentaries that made it to the semi-finals, and by Saturday night's awards ceremony, that had been whittled down to five finalists, and we were one of those! Of all the 39 films, the TWO Best-of-Festival films (the best, which earned a $10k cash prize, and the runner-up) were both Documentaries, which was our category also, which really gave us tough compe t ition, with both of those winners having much larger budgets, the runner up being a $70,000 film called A Cry from Iran, made by two sons memorializing their martyred Christian father who was murdered by Islamic extremists, that's hard to beat). And the winner was The Monstrous Regiment of Women, which was an excellent expose of feminism and abortion, and showed a great contrast with godly women, with ten feminists they researched having a combined seven children, and the ten Christian commentators they interviewed having a combined sixty children! So, we only made it to finalist, but the whole experience was wonderfully worth it. And the judges were extremely supportive of our no-compromise pro-life strategy, including Kevin Swanson, Doug Phillips, and R. C. Sproul, Jr. volunteered this recollection from the video, "If a law ends with, 'and then you can kill the baby,' it's a bad law."
* Denver Media re Effort Against Planned Parenthood:
The Rocky Mountain News article included a photo of Bob's son Dominic, age 6, and this quote: "We're good Christians and we support our neighbors [who are building an abortion death camp] ... His job is what his job is. If anything, this has galvanized neighbors in support [of Weitz and v.p. Gary Meggison]."
A Denver Post Al Lewis column began, "One man's construction project is another man's Nazi death camp."
Denver's NBC affiliate 9News aired an interview with Al Lewis about his opposition to the anti-abortion protests, and this report generated a well-written post at the Denver Post Blog.
Today's Resource: Have you listened to Bob Enyart's Nicer than God Bible teaching? You will e njoy this fast-paced critique of religion where Bob presents questions such as: When should a Christian lie? Should he ever mock? How about name-calling? Does sarcasm belong in the Christian's repertoire? How about ridicule? Learn why nice is not in the Bible and how to identify a Nicer-Than-God Christian. If Christians are not supposed to judge, then why does Jesus command us to judge rightly? And if only God will judge, then why does Paul say that we believers will judge the angels, and judge the world? If Jesus logged onto a website forum under a pseudonym, would we recognize Him, or condemn Him? This album communicates well Bob Enyart's unique style. But, warning, warning, warning, Will Robertson, this is not for the faint of heart.
This is the show from Monday October 29th, 2007.
I think you have the Republican party becoming an idol, a god. And the ultimate allegiance to countless Christians, most likely millions of Christians who will disobey God in order to get a Republican victory.
And when you go down that path all we have to do is look back at the last decades to see the vile wickedness that was passed into law by Republicans at local and federal levels and see what it gets you.
You don't do evil that good may come of it. The apostle Paul said that it was slanderous to say that he would do evil that good might come of it. And that has gone from being slanderous 2000 years ago to being the strategy of the Christian right in America, "Let's all do evil that good might come of it."
* Documentary One of Five Finalists: The awards ceremony emcee announced o ur Focus on the Strategy II DVD (previously titled Forty Years in the Wilderness) as one of the five finalists at the 2007 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival! The competition was excellent, so "finalist" is as far as we got! 120 films were submitted, and the judges rejected two-thirds, leaving 39 as semi-finalists. There were 11 documentaries that made it to the semi-finals, and by Saturday night's awards ceremony, that had been whittled down to five finalists, and we were one of those! Of all the 39 films, the TWO Best-of-Festival films (the best, which earned a $10k cash prize, and the runner-up) were both Documentaries, which was our category also, which really gave us tough compe t ition, with both of those winners having much larger budgets, the runner up being a $70,000 film called A Cry from Iran, made by two sons memorializing their martyred Christian father who was murdered by Islamic extremists, that's hard to beat). And the winner was The Monstrous Regiment of Women, which was an excellent expose of feminism and abortion, and showed a great contrast with godly women, with ten feminists they researched having a combined seven children, and the ten Christian commentators they interviewed having a combined sixty children! So, we only made it to finalist, but the whole experience was wonderfully worth it. And the judges were extremely supportive of our no-compromise pro-life strategy, including Kevin Swanson, Doug Phillips, and R. C. Sproul, Jr. volunteered this recollection from the video, "If a law ends with, 'and then you can kill the baby,' it's a bad law."
* Denver Media re Effort Against Planned Parenthood:
The Rocky Mountain News article included a photo of Bob's son Dominic, age 6, and this quote: "We're good Christians and we support our neighbors [who are building an abortion death camp] ... His job is what his job is. If anything, this has galvanized neighbors in support [of Weitz and v.p. Gary Meggison]."
A Denver Post Al Lewis column began, "One man's construction project is another man's Nazi death camp."
Denver's NBC affiliate 9News aired an interview with Al Lewis about his opposition to the anti-abortion protests, and this report generated a well-written post at the Denver Post Blog.
Today's Resource: Have you listened to Bob Enyart's Nicer than God Bible teaching? You will e njoy this fast-paced critique of religion where Bob presents questions such as: When should a Christian lie? Should he ever mock? How about name-calling? Does sarcasm belong in the Christian's repertoire? How about ridicule? Learn why nice is not in the Bible and how to identify a Nicer-Than-God Christian. If Christians are not supposed to judge, then why does Jesus command us to judge rightly? And if only God will judge, then why does Paul say that we believers will judge the angels, and judge the world? If Jesus logged onto a website forum under a pseudonym, would we recognize Him, or condemn Him? This album communicates well Bob Enyart's unique style. But, warning, warning, warning, Will Robertson, this is not for the faint of heart.
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