Fiorina's book: story of ill effects of Obamacare


New member

I (RepublicanChick) feel that, by and large, Democrats couldn't care less about women, except to get their votes, which is the reason they cry War on Women all the time..

In Carly Fiorina's book we hear of a woman in New Hampshire who had this

Ill Effects of Obamacare
experience (page 146):​

She and her husband were lawyers with a law practice in Boston. When her husband died unexpectedly, she took her small children and moved to New Hampshire. She decided to open up her own small law practice... so she could be home with her kids while at the same time supporting her family.

Then obamacare came along and she lost her insurance policy. The only new plan she could get under the law [did not] allow access to her children's pediatrician or the family grief counselor. Unable to afford the premiums or the deductible, she was forced to give up on her business and go to work for a... law firm. Now she's working more hours and bringing home less money. She can't be there for her children... and she still doesn't have access to the family doctors they once counted on...

... a life hijacked by the very government that [always claims to] help... this woman's entire life was being dictated to her by anonymous bureaucrats in Washington...accountable to no one...




New member
the right woman would be good as pres

women are more loving

have mor empathy

usually, than men do... in fact, empathy does not seem to be a trait men even think they need to have... a lot of the time... or maybe I am just not used to being around... true men... but still...


I like w hat Fiorina has to say in her book.. Everyone should read it b4 voting


The Horn

How can anyone trust a partisan book attacking Obamacare by a callous ,hypiocritical woman like Fiorina, who has outsourced so many jobs and put so many people out of work , while she got a golden parachute and bought herself a yacht ?
There are countless other examples of what a vile hypocrite this awful woman is .
And the Republican party has a better alternative to Obamacare ? Are you nuts ? Their health care policies can be summed up in four words : GET SICK AND DIE !!!!


New member
Fiorina says [emphasis mine & sorry about typos uncorrected]:

We live in the era of the professional politician. it used to be that americans from all walks of life moved in and out of politics. today, our leaders are for the most part lawyers by training and politicians for life. many of them are well-intentioned, good people. but their training in the law and experience in governemtn have taugth them that talking is acting... n the courtroom and in the legislature, speaking and acting can be synonymous.

For those of us from outside governemnt and the legal profession, however, real results are not the product of just words and intentions but of actions and consequences... Hillary... confuses talking and acting... As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton reminds us, she flew hundreds of thousands of miles... but what was achieve



