Fertility Clinic Kills Dark-Skin Kids, Etc.

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Fertility Clinic Kills Dark-Skin Kids, Etc.

This is the show from Tuesday March 3rd, 2009.


* ARTL forces affidavits from Elton and Clinton: After American Right To Life filed an official complaint against Hillary Clinton for violating election laws by using a foreigner, Elton John, to fundraise for her primary campaign, the Federal Election Commission has forwarded to ARTL statements from Elton John and from the campaign treasurer and from Hillary Clinton herself, defending themselves against ARTL's accusation. Developing...

* Los Angeles' Fertility Institutes Kills Off Girls: A Los Angeles clinic, the Fertility Institutes, not only offers sex selection, meaning if the parents want a girl, the clinic kills off the sons, and if the parents want a boy, the clinic doctor kills the daughters, but also color selection. Now, as Matt Drudge reports, they have begun offering eye color and hair color selection. This destructive practice reminds us of the German eugenics program, attempting to produce designer Aryan babies, and of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who was supportive of the NAZIs by commissioning a Third Reich eugenicist to write for her Planned Parenthood newsletter. (Remember that Planned Parenthood's eugenics founder, longtime president, and never disavowed hero Margaret Sanger wrote in one of her cruel books of the handicapped, people with eternal value, describing them as: "the blind, deaf and mute... the feeble-minded and epileptic... this dead weight of human waste." Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger wrote that in Pivot of Civilization on page 51, available through most public libraries and readable online at books.google.com.) Eye and hair color selection, in the case where the parents want blond-haired blue eyed children, means that the clinic doctor will kill off any boys or girls that have dark complexion. And Fertility Institutes also offer screening for dark skin versus light skin. After recounting his son Zachary's earning the Arrow of Light award and crossing over from cub scout to boy scout this weekend, Bob described a a sign posted at a Colorado scout camp that reads: A boy is the only creature from which God makes a man. Boys are a great blessing, yes, as are girls. But don't ever kill one to get the other.

* Judge Roy Moore on BEL: Bob interviews Alabama's Judge Roy Moore on his possible run for Governor, and they talk about the two men have a fascinating discussion on the source of human rights. Also, Bob shared with Judge Moore the tragic story of Denver's Children's Hospital counseling the parents of a four-year old handicapped child that they should starve him to death, which they did as chronicled by the Denver Post and remembered at DylanWalborn.com.

* Francis Schaffer on BEL: Well, this great Christian leader of the 20th century went to be with the Lord in May of 1984 but his final book published that year was on today's BEL program! A longtime listener to BEL will recognize this from the last 18 years of Bob's programs, although the quote is from Francis Schaeffer. "Have Christians compromised their stand on truth and morality until there is almost nothing they will speak out against? Has the evangelical church sold out to the world?" Francis Schaeffer answers his own questions with a tragic: Yes, in his book, The Great Evangelical Disaster. Also, Bob reminded the audience that son Franky has betrayed the Creator and each unborn boy and girl and Franky Schaeffer now supports "legalized" child killing.

* RESEARCH HELP: If you have access to an original copy of Bob Enyart's Speak Out Column from the 1993 Rocky Mountain News that they republished after students at Adams City High School gave birth to 108 babies in a single year, please get a scan or a photocopy to BEL! Thanks!

Today's Resource: Do you hope to move someone from unbelief to trusting in Christ? That typically involves breaking down both pride and misconceptions. You do NOT need anything from BEL to accomplish this! You can use prayer and the Scriptures. But if you would like some help from BEL, you could consider how these five powerful titles in the BEL Evangelism Pack can help someone decide to convert to Christianity!


New member
Hall of Fame
You could just as easily claim that the clinic's killing fair-skinned children if the parents don't want them, either. Still, the point remains...designer children are a reality.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You could just as easily say that the clinic's killing fair-skinned children if the parents don't want them, either. Still, the point remains...

Strange. Pastor Enyart did "easily say that" in the show I listened to. Which one did you listen to?

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Thanks Adambassador for the link to a near hit...

Thanks Adambassador for the link to a near hit...

Thanks Adambassador! That's not the article I'm looking for, but it's a reference to it from March 5, 1993. Here's a letter to the editor from the now deceased Rocky Mountain News which ostensibly is not written by a Planned Parenthood public school liason but by a student...


In Matthew Arnold's poem Growing Old, he explains a conflict between two uneducated sides, each believing they are right in their views. "Here we are on a darkling plain," Arnold concludes, "swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night." In today's world, these two uneducated sides may be teen-agers and parents trying to discuss sexual precautions and practices.

Bob Enyart, a former member of the Adams County District 14 Accountability Committee and host of Speak Your Mind with Bob Enyart, recently expressed his disgust with condom distribution in the Adams County schools in the Rocky Mountain News. However, the headline "Today's teens face impossible challenge" failed to give the reader an accurate account of Enyart's opinion. Only once did he specify what this "impossible challenge" teens face (having sex and avoiding the consequences), and he never addresses how they should deal with it.|

Perhaps if Enyart had not been so disapproving of condom distribution in schools, he could have effectively persuaded teens, educators, teachers and parents to be more open about sex. In about fifth grade, a sex education class informs pre-adolescents about the "birds and the bees." Another course in eighth grade discusses sex, contraceptives and sexually transmitted diseases more in depth. At Manual High School, freshmen are required to take a "Study Skills" class that focuses on adjusting to high school and sexual behaviors and practices.

Some may say that schools should increase pregnancy prevention and sex education classes. However, looking at shrinking budgets across the state, where would the money come from for such classes? Perhaps Enyart capsulizes the problem with his question, "Do we lack faith in our children's character?" Maybe we need to be putting faith back into today's youth. During my sophomore year, Amanda Levinson (another Manual student) and I began putting together what we hoped would become a peer support group, Students For Choices. One of the main objectives of this group was to discuss reproductive choices (using condoms, the pill, abortion, abstinence). Ultimately we hoped students participating in this after-school group would feel free to discuss topics that affect our daily lives: racism, sexism, gangs, violence, drug abuse, suicide, rape. Although Students For Choices would not emerge farther than our notebooks, the idea is one other students should consider. If we cannot talk openly and honestly about sex then we will continue to be ignorant about the issue. We, the youth of today and leaders of tomorrow, need to become mature adults who stop talking about "who's doing it with whom" and discuss the pros and the cons of sex.​

No doubt Vanessa and Amanda were targeted by the school's players. I hope they survived, which is more than one could hardly even hope for any of their POC.

Thanks Adambassador!

-Bob E
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I'm listening to it now. And I really think that what is really necessary is that parents are more open with their children, at the appropriate ages. Not the schools, and not the children being open and honest with each other.
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