This is the show from Friday, April 29th, 2022
RSR host Fred Williams is joined in studio by the future of creation science, recent college graduate Ryan Williams and high school students Miranda Bracken and Simon Shamblin. Ryan & Miranda helped coordinate and organize the upcoming Fearless Foundation Youth Conference that will be held May 6th and 7th in Aurora Colorado. The event will include games and fellowship in addition to speaker Carl Kerby, who is regarded as one of the best speakers in creation science. Simon Shamblin provides youthful insight on the RSR planning team, including the idea for the Universe is Hostile to Computers show, and also contributed to RSR's List of Things, Real Things, that are Not Physical. ([/url]). Each of the young creationists share their experiences with defending the creation and Bible with friends and students, and also share their vision for the future of creation science. Miranda is gearing up for a future in video and media, providing the video below at the recent ICR conference in Denver to promote the youth conference. Ryan, who occasionally co-hosts RSR shows that cover Creation Magazine is also slated alongside Dominic Enyart as the heir-apparent for the RSR show, which was Bob's dream and succession plan. This was an interesting show that you won't want to miss!
To sign up for the Fearless Foundation Youth Conference please visit[/url].

This is an update of our "Christianity 101" series in egiht parts!
1. The Bible Itself (revelation, inspiration, illumination, canon)
2. God (attributes, trinity)
3. The Created Beings (angels and man; then the animals)
4. The Old Testament (overview)
5. The New Testament (overview)
6. The Overall Plot of the Bible (dispensations; law and grace; Israel and the Body)
7. The End Times and Hell
8. Eternal Life and Heaven