Familiarity always begets something.


New member
Familiarity begets or breeds contempt, ask any parent. This is a fact and is undeniable. There is one exception and opposite effect to this rule and that is knowing Elohim. In this case, familiarity begets reverence.

This means that where we* see and find irreverence we know for an absolute fact that the person does not 'know' Elohim and is unfamiliar with His ways, justice, and judgments.

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true Elohim, and Yah Shua Messiah whom thou hast sent."​

Those that know Him (are familiar with Him) and His Messiah, automatically and whole heartedly revere Him. This is one of the first and most incredibly awe inspiring effects of being born above. The sinner is brought through conversion and regeneration with an absolute knowledge of salvation that he didn't possess a few minutes before. Without having experienced this you could never, ever say amen with sincerity.

we* The redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners.


New member
Those that simply play at religion do not posses this reverence. They make a fair show in the flesh, but like weeds in a lawn irreverence always sprouts up and exposes them for what they really are, tares.


Those that simply play at religion do not posses this reverence. They make a fair show in the flesh, but like weeds in a lawn irreverence always sprouts up and exposes them for what they really are, tares.

Your level of self-importance has no upward limit, does it?


New member
Your level of self-importance has no upward limit, does it?

My degree in certainty of the blessed truth has an upward limit. When I close my eyes to sleep or see My Master coming I will have reached that perfected and blessed limit.

Thanks for reminding me...not that I needed reminding.


New member
Without reverence of all that is Holy people will not respect the word of Elohim in which He has revealed His will. People will take a portion of the "HOLY BIBLE" and treat as being unholy. The HOLY BIBLE is separate from the will and understanding of the natural man and so he will twist it to suit the foolishness of his ways.

The natural man has no anointing that teaches him all things and so he just makes it up as he goes along. Mixing spiritual with carnal and the law with grace. Applying his natural reasoning to that which is holy and when confronted by the truth they rise up with all manner of blasphemous claims against the truth and the servant of The Truth.

"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with Elohim. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness".​