false accuzation


There are too many false accusations going on in this forum.

False accusations are form of "gossip".

any objection?


When the false accusations become popular and accepted by the majority, it becomes society's standards.

That's how spiritual outcast or minority's persecution become norm.


That's why Christians take heed of Jesus' word narrow is the way and only a few find it.

So you better without if you are one of the majority.


Knowledge of good and evil was fundamentally the curse of judgement among men- knowing good and evil, we judge each other and that is our bane according to the Fall.

People are going to accuse of you of many things. I've been accused of being a white supremacist, a sexist, an 'antisemite', pro-Islam, and a few other things that don't come to mind at the moment :rolleyes:

I think if people talked less and thought more, they might put down their label maker.


Knowledge of good and evil was fundamentally the curse of judgement among men- knowing good and evil, we judge each other and that is our bane according to the Fall.

People are going to accuse of you of many things. I've been accused of being a white supremacist, a sexist, an 'antisemite', pro-Islam, and a few other things that don't come to mind at the moment :rolleyes:

I think if people talked less and thought more, they might put down their label maker.

I am only stating politically or spiritually incorrect insight.

It is satan's one of best tactics to silence the whole truth, by keeping it to yourself.


I am only stating politically or spiritually incorrect insight.

Everybody in the Bible stated politically and spiritually incorrect insight- the world is adversarial to God.
Isaiah's scripture offended the people around him so much that they threw him in a hollowed log and sawed him in half- he was otherwise a prominent poet with ties to royalty, respected and shown favoritism.

We still live in that same world :plain:


Everybody in the Bible stated politically and spiritually incorrect insight- the world is adversarial to God.
Isaiah's scripture offended the people around him so much that they threw him in a hollowed log and sawed him in half- he was otherwise a prominent poet with ties to royalty, respected and shown favoritism.

We still live in that same world :plain:

Of course, this world is of satan. But whole truth needs to be spread. This is Jesus' followers mission.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
When the false accusations become popular and accepted by the majority, it becomes society's standards.

That's how spiritual outcast or minority's persecution become norm..

You are one of the worst examples of someone making false accusations, as witnessed by the threads you have started attacking MAD!


You are one of the worst examples of someone making false accusations, as witnessed by the threads you have started attacking MAD!

I wholeheartedly believe my comments about MAD or any denomination are whole truth.

We all will be judged according to what we spread.

I take responsibility for all my claims.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Knowledge of good and evil was fundamentally the curse of judgement among men- knowing good and evil, we judge each other and that is our bane according to the Fall.

People are going to accuse of you of many things. I've been accused of being a white supremacist, a sexist, an 'antisemite', pro-Islam, and a few other things that don't come to mind at the moment :rolleyes:

I think if people talked less and thought more, they might put down their label maker.

You're also a well known Misogynist.


Eclectic Theosophist
Beyond duality,...considering the non-dual reality at the heart of all

Beyond duality,...considering the non-dual reality at the heart of all

Knowledge of good and evil was fundamentally the curse of judgement among men- knowing good and evil, we judge each other and that is our bane according to the Fall.

People are going to accuse of you of many things. I've been accused of being a white supremacist, a sexist, an 'antisemite', pro-Islam, and a few other things that don't come to mind at the moment :rolleyes:

I think if people talked less and thought more, they might put down their label maker.

I Am no-thing and every-thing :)

On that score,....as pure awareness,...I surrender to the reality of my own 'being', which is pure consciousness itself. - I may enjoy any label, category, school, affiliation, name-tag, appellation, description along the way,...but that 'word' or 'concept' is not who or what I AM. - people need to move beyond labels, however...we do define our own 'terms' and meanings, and those of us more liberal and eclectic cannot always be pinned down or pigeonholed by the 'labels' applied to us by the more ignorant, misinformed or presumptuous.