Deaths from unknown causes have skyrocketed since the "vaccines" have been rolled out. So far there are 25000 deaths attributed to that alone. Seven months and 25000 deaths. That's well over 3000 deaths a month from unknown causes.
Also included in this article is a video of a round table discussion between 3 scientists on the "vaccines" and the dangers they present.
Also included in this article is a video of a round table discussion between 3 scientists on the "vaccines" and the dangers they present.

COVID19 Vaccine Deaths & Risks - Austin G. Walters
I’ve been hesitant to weigh in on this topic. However, I believe at this point, it’s clear there are a significant number of COVID19 vaccine deaths & risks. It’s a touchy subject, but please stay with me… I believe this is critical. U.S. Vaccination Rate Today in the United States 53% of the...
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