Experience of a former Christian-Seeker - I

Sometime around age 18, I started to lose my religion (Roman Catholic). By age 20, it was nowhere to be found. During summer break from college, my girlfriend (actually fiancée) and I decided to go on a picnic. It was the middle of the week so the state park we chose was nearly deserted. There was a small river that flowed through the park that people used for canoing. My girlfriend decided to swim in the river while I waded in not too far from shore (I cannot swim). My girlfriend was a fairly far away and had not noticed I had waded in a little too far. As a canoe passed my position, a wave took hold of me and swept me to a deeper part of the river. Looking back, I estimate I was in about 10 feet of water. Being 5'-7" and not being able to swim, that's a problem. I got my head above water a couple of times but was quickly losing the battle. I sank to the bottom of the river and gave up. I accepted death, my own death, and breathed in my first breath full of river water as I laid spreadeagled on the bottom of the river. Breathing in the river water hurt, so I decided to hold off as long as I could. I don't know how long I laid like that. It seemed like an eternity laying there on the bottom of the river, waiting for death, but then a strange thing happened. Something outside of myself started moving my arms and legs, and I started to crawl - slowly crawl on all fours. I sort of marveled at what was happening and took another breath of river water, my second. It hurt more than the first. But my body continued to crawl, seemingly on its own, I still didn't expect to escape death. I wasn't sure what was happening, just that I didn't have any fear, just peace. As I continued to crawl, I took in my third breath of river water, my lungs were really in a lot of pain. (to be continued)
God is Sovereign