ThThurs: Exodus Symbols Pt. 1
This is the show from Thursday, January 25th, 2018
* Exodus Symbols: As an apologist at heart (that is, a defender of the Gospel), Bob Enyart begins this final section of our Exodus series by presenting the latest astounding discoveries from the discipline of Egyptology. Scholars and scientists have long uncovered tremendous evidence corroborating the Bible's account of creation, the global flood, the supernatural fall of Jericho, Israel's kingdom, and ultimately, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, scant corroborating evidence for the Exodus has long been known. So Bob presents the newly uncovered mountain of evidence for the historicity of Israel's sojourn in Egypt and then the Exodus itself!
After the Holy Spirit inspired Moses to record the text for our previous two installments of this study, the story of the Exodus itself and then the Exodus legal code, God then revealed to this deliverer Israel's symbolic ordinances of the sacrifices, the tabernacle, and the priesthood. What does it all mean? Jesus taught that the Scriptures speak of Him. So, that is how we interpret the symbolic sections of the Hebrew Bible. The portions of Scripture that contain less historical narrative and more religious ritual tell us much about Christ, His sacrifice, and His mission. So, along with the teacher, the student too must begin by keeping Jesus Christ foremost in mind and in interpretation. This study uses that primary methodology, that the shed blood, the ark of the testimony, and the mediators, all speak of the Messiah. Then, Bob applies the other lessons learned from his "Hermeneutics: Tools for Understanding the Bible". As a result, the meaning of many symbolic details, particulars that at first may seem mysterious and even inscrutable, often become clear as we conclude our verse-by-verse study of the second book in the Bible, Moses' book of The Exodus!
Available on audio or video.
Today's Resource: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and will equip you to be a better witness to those around you.
Monthly Sermons: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVDs, great also to watch with the family. Or, get these on Sermon Audio CDs which are standard audio Compact Discs that will play on any CD player including the one in your car. Or get them on a single Sermon MP3-CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Bible Studies: Enjoy the Scriptures with Bob's Monthly Bible Study DVDs, great too for a small group Bible study. Or get these teachings on a single Monthly Bible Study Audio MP3- CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
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Monthly BEL TV Classics: Enjoy Bob Enyart's timeless, popular TV show delivered to your home on the Monthly BEL TV Classics DVDs with great audio and video clarity thanks to our state-of-the-art mastering from the studio-quality Sony beta tapes to DVD!
Monthly Donation: For folks who just want to make sure that Bob Enyart Live stays on the air, please consider making a pledge in the form of a Monthly Donation.
This is the show from Thursday, January 25th, 2018

* Exodus Symbols: As an apologist at heart (that is, a defender of the Gospel), Bob Enyart begins this final section of our Exodus series by presenting the latest astounding discoveries from the discipline of Egyptology. Scholars and scientists have long uncovered tremendous evidence corroborating the Bible's account of creation, the global flood, the supernatural fall of Jericho, Israel's kingdom, and ultimately, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, scant corroborating evidence for the Exodus has long been known. So Bob presents the newly uncovered mountain of evidence for the historicity of Israel's sojourn in Egypt and then the Exodus itself!
After the Holy Spirit inspired Moses to record the text for our previous two installments of this study, the story of the Exodus itself and then the Exodus legal code, God then revealed to this deliverer Israel's symbolic ordinances of the sacrifices, the tabernacle, and the priesthood. What does it all mean? Jesus taught that the Scriptures speak of Him. So, that is how we interpret the symbolic sections of the Hebrew Bible. The portions of Scripture that contain less historical narrative and more religious ritual tell us much about Christ, His sacrifice, and His mission. So, along with the teacher, the student too must begin by keeping Jesus Christ foremost in mind and in interpretation. This study uses that primary methodology, that the shed blood, the ark of the testimony, and the mediators, all speak of the Messiah. Then, Bob applies the other lessons learned from his "Hermeneutics: Tools for Understanding the Bible". As a result, the meaning of many symbolic details, particulars that at first may seem mysterious and even inscrutable, often become clear as we conclude our verse-by-verse study of the second book in the Bible, Moses' book of The Exodus!
Available on audio or video.
Today's Resource: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and will equip you to be a better witness to those around you.
Monthly Sermons: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVDs, great also to watch with the family. Or, get these on Sermon Audio CDs which are standard audio Compact Discs that will play on any CD player including the one in your car. Or get them on a single Sermon MP3-CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Bible Studies: Enjoy the Scriptures with Bob's Monthly Bible Study DVDs, great too for a small group Bible study. Or get these teachings on a single Monthly Bible Study Audio MP3- CD which will play on an MP3 player, in a DVD player, or in your computer.
Monthly Topical Videos: Coming to your mailbox, you'll get a Monthly Topical DVD to enjoy one of Bob's great videos specially selected to be entertaining and to teach about life from a biblical worldview.
Monthly Best of Bob Shows: Every month our crew selects the eight best BEL shows of the month and for the folks who might have missed some of them, we mail them out on the Best of Bob MP3-CD.
Monthly BEL TV Classics: Enjoy Bob Enyart's timeless, popular TV show delivered to your home on the Monthly BEL TV Classics DVDs with great audio and video clarity thanks to our state-of-the-art mastering from the studio-quality Sony beta tapes to DVD!
Monthly Donation: For folks who just want to make sure that Bob Enyart Live stays on the air, please consider making a pledge in the form of a Monthly Donation.