Evolution Is Dying So Slowly, You Can't Even See It!
Monday August 14th, 2006. This is show #161.
* Bob Talks About: Three Palestinian Americans charged with cell phone obsession; a funny email from Bob B about the T-Rex soft tissue found in Montana; Operation Rescue and Keith Mason on finding blood all over the walls of the abortion clinic they purchased in Kansas; the email describing the perfect baby killed because they thought it might be handicapped; a new listener who loves the show and The Plot.
Today's Resource: As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical mysteries. Do you want to have a better understanding of the Bible? Read the The Plot and find out that grasping the overview of the Bible is the KEY to its DETAILS!
Monday August 14th, 2006. This is show #161.
Summary:If you missed it, they excavated a T-Rex, this big old T-Rex that they believed was 70 million years old. They broke open the femur bone and they found soft tissues in there - blood vessels, blood cells - soft tissue. And so, of course the atheists, they want to ignore it. And they want to say, "Of course the tissue is soft after 70 million years. Wouldn't you expect it to be?"
We say no, actually we wouldn't. No, supposedly this would have fossilized after the first hundred thousand years and either it's going to be stone or it's going to be gone. And here it is, the bones are still bone. They're not even fossilized. They're not stone.
* Bob Talks About: Three Palestinian Americans charged with cell phone obsession; a funny email from Bob B about the T-Rex soft tissue found in Montana; Operation Rescue and Keith Mason on finding blood all over the walls of the abortion clinic they purchased in Kansas; the email describing the perfect baby killed because they thought it might be handicapped; a new listener who loves the show and The Plot.
Today's Resource: As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical mysteries. Do you want to have a better understanding of the Bible? Read the The Plot and find out that grasping the overview of the Bible is the KEY to its DETAILS!