In the book of Matthew... Jesus says this... "Matthew 24:14".
There is a "tense" to this and all people who deny Israel of National and Biological origin their promises that God specifically made to them... overlook scriptural tense as if it wasn't there.
This is the facts... the end hasn't come yet... so this "Gospel" hasn't been... (re-preached).
Jesus brought the "Kingdom gospel" and dispensed it through His chosen prophets/apostles. "After" He ascended in Acts 1, He anointed a man named PAUL to bring the "gospel of grace".
It won't be until the end and the reuse of Israel's chosen "prophets" and the Words of Jesus Himself, that this Divinly spoken message will be heard again.
The Master issues forth and departs from the temple; and his talmidim come to him, to show him the magnificent stones and workmanship of the temple. The Master says, Take no heed of all these things! Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down! But having been seated upon the mount of Olives, Petro, and Yaakob, and Yohanan, and Andreo come to him privately, saying,
Foretell to us when these things shall come to pass, and what is the sign of your
parousia and the consummation of the age?
And the Master answers them, Take heed that no one deceive you; for many shall come in my name, saying, "I am the Messiah", or even, "I am
of the Messiah", and they shall deceive many, (beware of men, that is to say, beware of the anthropon-manfaced countenances which are false testimony spirits gone out into the world, and which creep in unawares while you feast in the Word). And you shall hear of spiritual wars and reports of spiritual warfare; see that you be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass: but the end is not yet, (for it is yet for the mo`ed appointment, Daniel 11:27). For there shall rise up ethnos upon ethnos, and dominion upon dominion, (Dan 2 and 7, for every man has his dominion-empire, Dan 4, and the kingdom of Elohim is within you, Luke 17:20, 21), and there shall be famines and seismos-earth tremors according to those places, ("man-quakings" and "man-tremors", that is, the body, for every man has his land; both the erets outer bounds flesh and the adamah soil of the heart as in the parable of the sower). All these are the beginning of birthpang-throes, (for a son is about to be born into the kingdom). Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted,
and shall kill you, (Matthew 24:9), and you shall be hated of all the heathen for the sake of my name. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because Torahlessness and lawlessness shall be increased; the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end; the same shall be delivered, (Matthew 24:13). And this good news Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the habitable land for a witness to all the heathen: and then shall the end come, (Mt 24, Mk 13).
And this is the perfect order given by way of the Testimony of the Master:
1) Many false Messiah spirits claiming to be "of Messiah" shall deceive many.
2) Spiritual warfare and rumors-reports of spiritual warfare but the end is not yet.
3) Babylon, Maday-Medes, Paras-Persia: Sar Yavan over Sar Paras, (HaNavi Daniel).
4) Famines and fastings, earth-tremors of the land of the man, birth pangs, woes, and throes.
6) Many shall be offended, many more false prophets, Torahlessness abounding, no love.
Yep, that is exactly how it is going to be; no exceptions to the rule of the Master.
Each in his or her own appointed times, (and none shall be alone in his appointed times).
Thus one must empty himself or herself, and according to the above, will die even before the end comes; just as the Master himself did in the desert wilderness trials: for anyone who refuses to bow to the beast, or refuses to bow to his own twin-goat Baal, the same must die, (Rev 13:15). But anyone who bows the knee to the beast, or to his own twin-goat Baal, the same does not overcome: for one must be willing to die, and to jeopard his own soul in the high places of the field, (Judges 5:2, 18, 19, 20, 21), but anyone who bows to the beast or his own twin-goat Baal in that hour is overcome by the beasts of man. Whoever seeks to save his soul shall lose it in the high places of the field. And that is exactly what Paul likewise means by reprobate-castaways, after having expounded that hour of his own trial in 2Cor 12:1-9, when he mentions reprobate-castaways in 2Cor 13:5-6, (for the kingdom of the heavens is like a net).