Well, actually, yes. I have seen that quite a few times. Guns are only made to kill people! Gun murders! Implying, of course, they are only made for the committing of murder and the only thing responsible for the murder is the gun.
And, no, it won't stop the debate, because the people who want to remove guns don't care how often they are used for positive purposes. Admitting there are positive usages for guns, and millions upon millions of people who have never used their firearms to hurt another person, doesn't fit their agenda.
I see some people's fear of guns as irrational. They will freak out if they are in the same room as a gun. They actually will fear the gun just because it's there. No one has to be holding it, or using it threaten anyone. They just lose it based upon the gun being there. In other words they have an irrational fear of an inanimate object that can do them no harm just by existing. It takes a human being using that gun to make it do anything. Yet these people are so ignorant and so bound up in their fears that they cannot understand that. These people have simply been brainwashed into such an irrational fear. To me it's like someone who will fear a stone because stones have been used to kill people.