Even more cultural enrichment of Europe


Well-known member
No trigger warnings, you'll have to face the real world like an adult.


The punchline:

The men believed to be responsible, Syrian and Afghan asylum seekers, were arrested and released by police.


New member
What else are they not telling us about.

And why did not Saudi Arabia and other countries near them NOT Take them in ??

The allegations against the migrant bathers has come to light thanks to a leaked internal letter from the Zwickau Town Hall, between the chief clerk to his department head, reproduced in part by German tabloid Bild. Writing of the historic swimming pool’s decision to close their doors to migrants until further notice, Rainer Kallweit wrote this week of a shocking incident which has left the baths abandoned by local swimmers.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Breitbart London has reported on a number of sex attacks on children in swimming baths over the past week, with girls as young as 11 and boys as young as three being targeted by migrant gangs. On one occasion in Munich, a pair of young girls enjoying the waterslide at their local pool were groped, “allegedly under their bathing suits”, “and possibly raped” by a gang of “refugees”.

I believe that's called pedophila

The men believed to be responsible, Syrian and Afghan asylum seekers, were arrested and released by police
