Enyart's Letter to Dobson: Your Strategy Produces Pro-Choice Judges

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Bob Enyart

Staff member
This letter appeared May 3, 2005 as a PAID ADVERTISEMENT in the Colorado Springs Gazette:

Focus on the Strategy
Republican Judges are Pro-Choice
Dobson Criticizes His “Own” Judges

An Open Letter, with Love and Respect, to Dr. James Dobson:

In desperation, some members of Denver Bible Church had our own Justice Sundae in a peaceful protest at Senator Salazar’s Dairy Queen. The goal was to oppose his support for the killing of unborn children, but mostly to expose the result of your quarter-century strategy of getting judges who respect life by electing pro-life Republican presidents.

On Justice Sunday, you were outraged by your own judges! Dr. Dobson, you listed the 11th Circuit decision against Terri Schiavo as an example that the judiciary is “out of control.” But all six of the justices nominated by our pro-life Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II), voted against your position! All six (including William Pryor, whom President Bush recess-appointed last year to avoid a Democratic filibuster), voted not to save Terri’s life and against our side. All six!

It is time to admit that your strategy has failed. Republicans nominated 58 percent of the federal judiciary [Ft. Collins’ Coloradoan.com April 28], which you rightly expose as firmly against family values. The Moral Majority/Christian Coalition/Focus on the Family 25-year strategy of getting anti-abortion judges through Republican victories has utterly failed; and now George W. Bush is keeping his word by living up to his very first campaign promise to ignore abortion when nominating judges. It was a Republican Supreme Court which legalized abortion, and a Republican-nominated judge even wrote Roe v. Wade. The current Supreme Court keeps abortion legal with seven of the nine sitting Justices nominated by Republican presidents.

The judge who wrote the 9th Circuit ruling against the words “under God” in the Pledge was nominated by a Republican president. In 2002 a New York federal judge that a convicted child sex offender could not be stopped from attracting children with balloons in a public park. That judge was nominated by George Bush Sr., and this compares to the current Republican U.S. Supreme Court which decided in favor of the child-porn industry against families and law enforcement, making it harder to prosecute those who sodomize children for profit. Will you please publicly expose that the vast majority of the justices nominated by our pro-life Republican presidents are pro-choice and refuse to uphold traditional biblical morality?

Our biggest successes are mostly hollow. We have spent most of a decade fighting to ban partial-birth abortion, which is tantamount to Germans banning Zyklon A only to have Zyklon B used in the extermination camps instead, while today’s abortionists simply use a different method on late-term babies and have not canceled a single abortion as a result. And the “pro-life” justices on the Supreme Court have never declared an unborn child’s fundamental right to life, but rather criticize Roe only because abortion should not be a judicial but a legislative issue; this very position undermines the safety of children as though any subdivision of government could have the right to decriminalize murder. The judges that we pretend are conservative actually are only committed to process, not to Christian values, so that when Clarence Thomas dissented from overturning the Texas sodomy law that mercifully opposed harmful behavior, we touted him as supporting Christian values, yet he wrote that if he were a state legislator he would vote to overturn the “silly” law [see SupremeCourtUS.gov then search for "silly," or see the excerpt at KGOV.com].

Dr. Dobson, respectfully, you are outraged by your own judges. Those in the womb when Reagan campaigned for president have now graduated from college, and the de facto Focus political strategy has packed the Federal judiciary with pro-choice Republican judges. You must come to terms with this failed strategy. You carry a heavy weight as America’s evangelical leader in the war against injustice, especially heavy if you lead by compromise; whereas Christ’s burden is light. We recommend the strategy you declared a decade ago but have since abandoned. Back then you repeatedly pledged, as stated on your program in March of 1995, “I am committed never again to cast a vote for a politician who would kill one innocent baby.”

Our leaders have been reduced to plotting battles in which every victory is a retreat. Yet your previous strategy permits no defeat. Do right and risk the consequences. The battle is not only in America, but worldwide 45 million babies [guttmacher.org] die annually. Elevating campaign savvy above righteousness guarantees only failure. Truth is not politically naive. For decades we have done evil that good may come, only to affirm Romans 3:8. Faithfulness to God is our best hope of outlawing abortion and protecting family values. Our failed political strategy makes America increasingly unsafe for children. Sadly, George W. Bush is proud of the pro-choice judges he packed the Texas Supreme Court with, and has put on the federal judiciary.

Without Christian leaders upholding your old pledge, Republican presidents simply use us conservative Christians; and the compromise tremendously weakens our side. You noticed that during the battle for Terri Schindler most religious conservatives in the media stated, “this all could have been avoided if Terri had left a written directive.” With those words, the pro-life community crossed the line to support assisted suicide, starving to death people who are not dying, as long as there is a Living Will. Our pro-life leaders have become weak after a quarter-century of compromise, never compromising on Republican-party politics, but on Thou Shalt Not Murder, all in vain hope of thereby making progress toward victory.

Federally, Republican-nominated judges issue most of the anti-Christian rulings in America. We have to stop focusing on code words that are a recipe for surrender, such as demanding strict constructionists, judicial philosophy, original intent, and constitutionalists (by which Justices upheld Article I in the Dred Scott ruling that black people were property, and the Nuremberg trials brought convictions). Such terminology is another part of the failed strategy which obscures our true demand, for judges who fear God and oppose the killing of the innocent.

Thus, the issue is not the Democratic filibuster, but the failed Christian political strategy that has packed the federal judiciary with pro-choice Republican judges. Please, Dr. Dobson, take up your pledge again, and provide the leadership we desperately need.

In Christ, -Pastor Bob Enyart

Mr. 5020

New member
I've been listening to BobE's shows lately, and, while he despises the Christian Coalition strategy, he seems to dodge the question about his strategy. Maybe I've missed it, but does BobE have a better idea?


New member
We recommend the strategy you declared a decade ago but have since abandoned. Back then you repeatedly pledged, as stated on your program in March of 1995, “I am committed never again to cast a vote for a politician who would kill one innocent baby.”


New member
No, vote for a candidate who won't kill innocent people. If the person you are voting for isn't willing to stand on that basic priniple, they aren't worth a vote and certainly aren't suitable as a leader.


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Hall of Fame
Imrahil said:
No, vote for a candidate who won't kill innocent people. If the person you are voting for isn't willing to stand on that basic priniple, they aren't worth a vote and certainly aren't suitable as a leader.

That's not a practical translation. :p


New member
That's a very interesting and enlightening letter. Much for me to think about. Thanks for posting your letter, Bob. I am going to have to reconsider my support of the Republican Party.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
SOTK said:
That's a very interesting and enlightening letter. Much for me to think about. Thanks for posting your letter, Bob. I am going to have to reconsider my support of the Republican Party.

Dear SOTK, I'm so thankful that you've posted your thoughts. What with responses like this coming in to me from TOL and elsewhere, and with the conversion this past week of a TOL regular who NOW SUPPORTS THE DEATH PENALTY, I'm really enjoying myself! :WA: Praise the Lord!

Mr. 5020

New member
Bob Enyart said:
...and with the conversion this past week of a TOL regular who NOW SUPPORTS THE DEATH PENALTY, I'm really enjoying myself! :WA: Praise the Lord!
That was pretty awesome!! :thumb:


New member
Bob Enyart said:
What with responses like this coming in to me from TOL and elsewhere, and with the conversion this past week of a TOL regular who NOW SUPPORTS THE DEATH PENALTY, I'm really enjoying myself! :WA: Praise the Lord!
:up: Yes, indeed! Appreciate your stand for the death penalty--not only for the unbeliever's sake but also for those believers like myself who needed to be awakened to the truth of the death penalty.

I'm looking forward to utilizing the message of the death penalty in my evangelistic events.

Mr. 5020

New member
Zakath said:
I think Dobson's developing a bit of "hypertrophic egoism" in his dotage. ;)
Actually, it's not Dobson. Dobson has not said anything about boycotting Republicans. That's why Enyart and Enyart's followers are so upset - because Dobson won't go with a new strategy.


I think that the key to the letter is the bare and open reminder to Dr. Dobson, of his vow to never again vote for a politician who supports the killing of a single unborn baby. This is a vow that he has broken! How he responds to that challenge to his own word, and integrity, will tell us how much he has compromised, not just poltiically, but his inner self.
He can make a case for disagreeing with Bob's strategy, but he has to admit that he broke his vow, and has released himself from it, and asked God's forgiveness for breaking it. Anything less than that, in my mind, will show a lack of integrity, pride, or deception.
Let us pray that we see a "Thou art the man", awakening on the part of James Dobson. I anticipate that we will, and we will see a real, and not a hollow victory when this occurs.
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New member
Hello all, new to this website, got here through kgov.com Sorry for the long-ness, but I'm kinda fired up about the issue...

When I first heard Bob's radio program, I first thought he was just a little off the wall. But after listening for some time, I began to see how the Republican party has been taking advantage of the 'christian' vote, promising to support us in the next election, then playing party politics all over again for the next 4 (6..8...) years. Occasionally, I can catch the program when I'm awake or not working.

Then last Saturday morning on his program, I heard bob speak of the recent 'Ice Cream Social' and how the protest was as much about the voting records of concervative judges, which I knew little about. This information simply BLEW ME AWAY. I am not totally naive on current political issues, I try to stay informed and rely on organizations like Focus, AFA and others. But the extent to which judges have let us down is PHENOMINAL.

So here are my quetsions/issues (mostly for Bob, but anyone feel free to jump in)

--> This is an issue that demands attention, with substantial data to warrant a response from Focus, not to mention all of the other organizations who have jumped on the 'Get Conservative Judges on the Bench' bandwaggon (Pat Robertson, Jay Seculo, AFA, etc.) What has been Focus' response been to this date? I personally will be contacting them to ask for their response.

--> Of all people, we would expect Jay Seculo of the ACLJ to know better (being the legal expert he is). The organization is doing a lot to affect positive change in the legal system. Has this issue been raised to them, and if so, what has been their response?

--> Bob, someone asked you how you reccomend we vote. There were some other folks who responded for you, but I haven't heard your response. Are you a) missing the question was directed to you, b)still thinking about it or c)choosing not to respond? (or am I missing it?)

--> Others have asked, 'what can we do about this'. I don't think saying 'voting differently' is the only/best answer. We don't vote judges into their office, and I have a tough time believing that ALL conservative judges nominated have been openly pro-choice from the get go (or that presidents were always aware of what their position would be on this issue later). Perhaps some of them may have drifted away from their Judeo-Christian roots. Is there anything that can be done to impact or influence those judges already on the bench? After all we are asked appeal to congress regularly through this christian organizations and can hold the threat of 'next election', but that shouldn't mean we ignore judges just because they're appointed to the bench.

Bob, thanks again for bringing this to the public's attention. I for one am greatful and I hope this information can reach more Christians who would like to know the truth about 'conservative' judges. I'm glad it's gotten some press in the Denver area...


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one4christ said:
What has been Focus' response been to this date?
FOTF's response can be found here: http://www.family.org/cforum/feature/a0036307.cfm

Bob, someone asked you how you reccomend we vote. There were some other folks who responded for you, but I haven't heard your response. Are you a) missing the question was directed to you, b)still thinking about it or c)choosing not to respond? (or am I missing it?)
I know that in the last election Bob voted for the Constitution Party candidate.

BTW, welcome to TOL one4Christ! :up:


New member
:wave2: one4christ! Welcome to TOL!

one4christ said:
--> Bob, someone asked you how you reccomend we vote. There were some other folks who responded for you, but I haven't heard your response. Are you a) missing the question was directed to you, b)still thinking about it or c)choosing not to respond? (or am I missing it?)
First of all he's not exactly a regular poster. He is only online occationally. He has already responded to this question before:
Bob Enyart said:
"We recommend the strategy you declared a decade ago but have since abandoned. Back then you repeatedly pledged, as stated on your program in March of 1995, “I am committed never again to cast a vote for a politician who would kill one innocent baby.”
So instead of just voting for every politician that is a republican, we should vote for those who are truly Pro-Life. You might be interested in listening to Dan Kaplas' and Craig Silverman's interview with Bob on KGOV.com

You can catch Bob's other shows on the internet at http://www.kgov.com also!
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Staff member
Super Moderator
Focus on the Family missed Bob's entire point. In their response they said, ""We're always open to contemplating new strategies, new ideas, new ways of doing things, but the truth here is that party affiliation isn't the problem. The problem is judicial philosophy."

Bob wasn't talking about "party affiliation." He was talking about pro-choice judges who have been nominated by Dobson supported candidates who just happen to be Republican.

So now, with this misunderstanding, Dobson is now immunized - so to speak - against hearing Bob's real beef with him. Great, just great. Now what do we do to get his attention?

I recommended to Bob to protest in front of the FOTF headquarters but he said that Fred Phelps has already done that and that he will be assumed to be a part of Phelps' group or at least like-minded with Phelps. But I think that no matter what Bob does, the media will try to paint him with the Fred Phelps brush so just go ahead and try to make your own case.

So far he hasn't bought it.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Oh yeah, and did you hear the one about the Bush judge in New Hampshire...

Oh yeah, and did you hear the one about the Bush judge in New Hampshire...

one4christ said:
Hello all, new to this website... last Saturday morning on his program, I heard Bob speak of the recent 'Ice Cream Social' and how the protest was as much about the voting records of concervative judges, which I knew little about. This information simply BLEW ME AWAY. I am not totally naive on current political issues, I try to stay informed and rely on organizations like Focus, AFA and others. But the extent to which judges have let us down is PHENOMINAL.
So here are my quetsions/issues (mostly for Bob, but anyone feel free to jump in)

Mr. Price I presume? (per your email ID) Thanks for your questions. Please find my replies below. By the way, since you are new to TOL, you'll find lively interaction on many great topics, and shameless atheists like Zakath who ran out on his commitment to a 10-round moderated debate called Battle Royale VII: Does God Exist?, after only eight rounds. Aside from that, there's quite a lot of integrity and sincerety on these boards.

O4C: --> This is an issue that demands attention, with substantial data to warrant a response from Focus, not to mention all of the other organizations who have jumped on the 'Get Conservative Judges on the Bench' bandwagon (Pat Robertson, Jay Sekulo, AFA, etc.) What has been Focus' response been to this date? I have personally contacted them to ask for their response. (P.S. should this type of letter go to all 'christian' org. listed above?)

BE: Yes, we’ve been emailing the open letter to Christian organizations and churches,, and it would help if you would also. Actually, we need someone to organize an effort to systematically get this sent around the country. By the way, Pat Robertson just told ABC’s “This Week” that Rudy Giuliani “did a super job running the city of New York and I think he'd make a good president." Of course Rudy is fully pro-homosexual and utterly pro-abortion, so don’t count on support from Pat Robertson to acknowledge the problem with the Republican judges.

O4C: --> Of all people, we would expect Jay Seculo of the ACLJ to know better (being the legal expert he is). The organization is doing a lot to affect positive change in the legal system. Has this issue been raised to them, and if so, what has been their response?

BE: What was that you said about not being totally naïve? (Nah, only kidding.) A caller to Jay’s program mentioned our DQ protest and our assessment of republican judges being overwhelmingly pro-choice, and Jay danced around the issue and pretty much said nothing. I don’t have a transcript, but it was reported to me by a few different listeners. Of course the Open Letter should be sent to Jay, please do. When we send it out (which we’re doing), it’s easily viewed as self-serving, and it gets more attention when sent from others.

O4C: --> Others have asked, 'what can we do about this'. I don't think saying 'voting differently' is the only/best answer. We don't vote judges into their office, and I have a tough time believing that ALL conservative judges nominated have been openly pro-choice from the get go (or that presidents were always aware of what their position would be on this issue later). Perhaps some of them may have drifted away from their Judeo-Christian roots. Is there anything that can be done to impact or influence those judges already on the bench? After all we are asked appeal to congress regularly through this Christian organizations and can hold the threat of 'next election', but that shouldn't mean we ignore judges just because they're appointed to the bench.

BE: there is no fix that I have ever heard that can conceivably change this governmental nightmare anytime soon, but what we can do is change the Christian political strategy to one that at least has a chance of going forward and not backward. Groups like the National Right to Life Committee have been misinforming Christians for years, for example, giving George W. Bush a 100% pro-life rating when he loaded the Texas Courts with pro-choice judges. For example, regarding the most pro-abortion decision ever from the Texas Supreme Court, that a minor could have an abortion without the parents even knowing she was having an operation, the New York Times on July 7, 2000 reported quoted complaints from Texas Right to Life and stated that ““It was, after all, appointees of Gov. George W. Bush who took the lead on the issue.” The bad news goes on and on. I don’t have time to log it all, it’s just that no other Christian in the media has broken ranks to report the results.

O4C: You state in your letter to Dobson that he had at one time pledged, “I am committed never again to cast a vote for a politician who would kill one innocent baby.” Who specifically has Dobson backed that believes in the killing of innocent babies? Bush has helped overturn partial birth abortion, but it is an incremental step. I know your desire is to see 'zero' compromise on the issue, but then do you equate incremental change with His desire to kill innocent babies?

BE: As in the letter, the ban on partial-birth abortion will directly save ZERO lives per year. It was a battle for those who like the competition of political sport, but had never had any possible chance of actually saving any lives. On the other hand, as for it’s indirect result, voting against partial birth abortion gave pro-abortion candidates like Tom Daschle a smokescreen to claim that they are reasonable, even opposing extreme pro-choice positions, giving political cover to countless pro-choice candidates.
Of course, it is never wrong to save a few lives when you cannot save everyone. I don’t believe that those who argue against incremental change can moral defend that position. The problem with our actual incrementalism however, is that you never do wrong that good may come of it, and ALMOST ALL of our poorly conceived incremental “victories” violate that standard (but not all). For example, making it a second crime to kill the baby in the womb of a murdered mother is a perfectly valid and worthwhile law (Ex. 21:22, Hebrew word is not miscarriage, but premature birth). But any law which concludes, “and then you can kill the baby,” is not only a bad law, but it further entrenches legal child killing, not only by judicial misconduct like Roe, but now, by hundreds of legislative acts passed by pro-life “strategists.” I’m saddened by pro-lifers who are more comfortable with Roberts Rules of Order than they are with Scripture and the principles of righteousness. If our Christian leaders like James Dobson would refuse support for any politician willing to kill and innocent child, then we would have at least a chance of influencing candidates to have zero-tolerance for child killing. Republicans remind me of God’s lament in Jeremiah 2:11, for it’s ironic how the Democrats have way more loyalty to abortion than Republican Christians have to godliness and innocent life, for on principle, THEY JUST DON’T nominate pro-life judges. God pointed out the irony that the pagans are always faithful to their false gods, yet Israel rejects her true God. “Has a nation changed its gods, which are not gods? But My people have changed their Glory For what does not profit,” (Jer. 2:11).

Mr. Price (O4C), I’ll sign off for now, (it’s 1:35 a.m.). Thank you for you deep concern. Please help spread the truth of our failed strategy. And feel free to call in to the radio show to ask for more clarity.

In Christ,
Pastor Bob Enyart, Denver Bible Church
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