Enyart Debates KHOW's Dan Caplis
This is the show from Tuesday November 6th, 2007.
* Hear audio from Denver's KHOW Radio: of Bob Enyart's friendly debate with pro-life talk show host and lawyer, Dan Caplis, over the tactic of protesting at the homes of executives building the largest abortion facility in the country.
* Mega-deception at mega-clinics by Meggison: In his article, Mega-deception at mega-clinics, WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh reports that, " The Weitz Co., a nationwide construction entity hired to build Planned Parenthood's newest mega-abortion clinic in Denver, has listed United Airlines as the property owner on city permits for work on the 52,000-square-foot project, documents assembled by pro-life activists reveal." Those pro-life activists include leaders of Colorado Right To Life, and Colorado Families Against Planned Parenthood, the later including Will Duffy and Keith Mason. "United's Megan McCarthy issued a terse: 'United Airlines sold the building in question to a real estate firm on January 11, 2007. We do not own this property.' " Unruh also reported that inconsistent with the claim of Weitz' senior v.p. of their Rocky Mountain division, Gary Meggison, various subcontractors were not told they were working for Planned Parenthood on an abortion clinic, and some have indicated they will not perform further work on the project.
* Lori from Loveland Colorado: called to say she was thrilled to have attended her first ever anti-abortion events on Saturday, which resulted in one baby being saved at Denver's existing Planned Parenthood child-killing center. Lori also joined seasoned pro-lifers protesting at the homes of an abortionist and Weitz construction executives.
Today's Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart's entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!
This is the show from Tuesday November 6th, 2007.
If people would have protested the building of Auschwitz including the people who knowingly would build a death camp, if that would have happened in Germany they would be heroes in history today. And we have to remember when we devise our [anti-abortion] tactics that they really are killing kids.
* Hear audio from Denver's KHOW Radio: of Bob Enyart's friendly debate with pro-life talk show host and lawyer, Dan Caplis, over the tactic of protesting at the homes of executives building the largest abortion facility in the country.
* Mega-deception at mega-clinics by Meggison: In his article, Mega-deception at mega-clinics, WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh reports that, " The Weitz Co., a nationwide construction entity hired to build Planned Parenthood's newest mega-abortion clinic in Denver, has listed United Airlines as the property owner on city permits for work on the 52,000-square-foot project, documents assembled by pro-life activists reveal." Those pro-life activists include leaders of Colorado Right To Life, and Colorado Families Against Planned Parenthood, the later including Will Duffy and Keith Mason. "United's Megan McCarthy issued a terse: 'United Airlines sold the building in question to a real estate firm on January 11, 2007. We do not own this property.' " Unruh also reported that inconsistent with the claim of Weitz' senior v.p. of their Rocky Mountain division, Gary Meggison, various subcontractors were not told they were working for Planned Parenthood on an abortion clinic, and some have indicated they will not perform further work on the project.
* Lori from Loveland Colorado: called to say she was thrilled to have attended her first ever anti-abortion events on Saturday, which resulted in one baby being saved at Denver's existing Planned Parenthood child-killing center. Lori also joined seasoned pro-lifers protesting at the homes of an abortionist and Weitz construction executives.
Today's Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart's entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!
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