EFFECTS OF THE EVANGELISM, when it comes in power...


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EFFECTS OF THE EVANGELISM, when it comes in power.

In eternity at the court of the Father the eternal Son appears as Advocate for the guilty sinner. The sinner is completely unaware of the process, but is aware of the burden of guilt that he carries around. He is aware that something is seriously amiss, but doesn’t know for certain the reason he does what he does and feels how he feels.

The Advocate and Saviour pleads on behalf of the guilty sinner. Declaring, he is mine, I have his name in My Book of Life. He was one of those I purchased with mine own precious blood.
Sentence is passed, NOT GUILTY, not now and not guilty forever more. Release the captive from his bonds of iniquity. The trust of Messiah has justified the guilty sinner and in the sight of the Eternal Almighty he is holy.

In time the guilty sinner is about to be converted, made regenerate, given trust and made repentant, he will be holy unto Elohim. There is nothing that the guilty sinner can know about the process of his salvation. There is nothing in the sinner that brings about the process of salvation. There is nothing that the guilty sinner can think, will, say or do that will, in any way, bring about this salvation. The sinner is passive and currently unaware of what is about to happen. The guilty sinner is a captive to sin and to Satan and couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be free as he was born in captivity. He is about to discover what liberty is and how reconciliation brings peace...

The Holy Spirit moves upon and above the sinner as He moved upon the waters and at the words, “Let there be light” the Spirit illuminates and regenerates the inner man. The conversion takes place, the regeneration happens, the sinner can see and is repentant. He trusts for the first time and without recognition at first light, he will begin to live by trust. Trust performs an action in the heart* that is suddenly professed with the lips that salvation has taken place.

The redemption has been applied to the sinner who is now made, by grace and through trust, a repentant sinner.

The repentant sinner is acutely aware that he has been saved and is also aware that he was passive in the entire operation of grace that has removed the burden of guilt.

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.”

There are countless scriptures confirming this doctrine. Some will recognise them, but most will not.

heart* not the blood pump.


New member
Justice, judgement and Holiness demands that a sinner must trust, repent and be holy. The sinner is incapable of compliance and does not desire to comply with the demands. He might be deluded into thinking he has complied, but there will always be that nagging doubt…

If it pleases the Almighty to have mercy upon the wretched man and supplies the needs in Yah Shua Messiah who alone has pleased The Father. Then the evangelism will come in power with a glorious, certain and powerful message, "Thou hast been saved".

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of Elohim that sheweth mercy.​


New member
For I am not ashamed of the evangelism of Messiah: for it is the power of Elohim unto salvation to every one that trusteth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.​

Trust is provided. It is a gift and is the result of the power of Elohim in the evangelism unto salvation. The trust of Messiah justifies. The trust in the regenerate sinner is the effect and not the cause of salvation.


New member
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You must love to hear yourself talk. This is a whole lot of nonsense.

For you who are perishing it would be nonsense.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of Elohim: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.​


New member
Messiah is the evangel. He is the evangelism and the bearer of the evangel. The message and the messenger were one and the same. Putting the messenger to death empowered the message and ratified the new covenant.


New member
EFFECTS OF THE EVANGELISM, when it comes in power.

In eternity at the court of the Father the eternal Son appears as Advocate for the guilty sinner. The sinner is completely unaware of the process, but is aware of the burden of guilt that he carries around. He is aware that something is seriously amiss, but doesn’t know for certain the reason he does what he does and feels how he feels.

The Advocate and Saviour pleads on behalf of the guilty sinner. Declaring, he is mine, I have his name in My Book of Life. He was one of those I purchased with mine own precious blood.
Sentence is passed, NOT GUILTY, not now and not guilty forever more. Release the captive from his bonds of iniquity. The trust of Messiah has justified the guilty sinner and in the sight of the Eternal Almighty he is holy.

In time the guilty sinner is about to be converted, made regenerate, given trust and made repentant, he will be holy unto Elohim. There is nothing that the guilty sinner can know about the process of his salvation. There is nothing in the sinner that brings about the process of salvation. There is nothing that the guilty sinner can think, will, say or do that will, in any way, bring about this salvation. The sinner is passive and currently unaware of what is about to happen. The guilty sinner is a captive to sin and to Satan and couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be free as he was born in captivity. He is about to discover what liberty is and how reconciliation brings peace...

The Holy Spirit moves upon and above the sinner as He moved upon the waters and at the words, “Let there be light” the Spirit illuminates and regenerates the inner man. The conversion takes place, the regeneration happens, the sinner can see and is repentant. He trusts for the first time and without recognition at first light, he will begin to live by trust. Trust performs an action in the heart* that is suddenly professed with the lips that salvation has taken place.

The redemption has been applied to the sinner who is now made, by grace and through trust, a repentant sinner.

The repentant sinner is acutely aware that he has been saved and is also aware that he was passive in the entire operation of grace that has removed the burden of guilt.

“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.”

There are countless scriptures confirming this doctrine. Some will recognise them, but most will not.

heart* not the blood pump.

According to the majority, all of the above can be ignored if the dead, guilty, blind, deaf and helpless sinner would say a sinner's prayer.


New member
PS which goes to prove that most evangelicals and certainly reformed evangelicals haven't got any first hand experience of the power of the evangelism. They have read about it, heard about it, talked about it, written about it, but never experienced it.