Dr. Paul Cameron addresses Dr. Dobson's Criticism

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Dr. Paul Cameron addresses Dr. Dobson's Criticism

Thursday February 23rd, 2006. This is show # 39.

* Another "Mohammed" terrorist in the news.
* Guest: Dr. Paul Cameron of http://www.familyresearchinst.org addresses Dr. James Dobson's criticism, by calling for Christian leaders to remain faithful to Christian moral principles, and by exposing homosexual behavior as destructive.

Dr. Paul Cameron: Let's talk about the rape and murder of children. ...Over the last 27 years, according to the world's press, and we've just crunched the numbers, we found 690 instances accross the english speaking world in which people raped and murdered a child. It turns out 30 percent of these malefactors were homosexuals.

Bob Enyart: 30 percent. And homosexuals make up not 30 percent of the population...

Dr. Cameron: No, more like 3, 4 maybe 2 percent so that what you're talking about is a tremendous disproportionality...

Bob: Is it somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 times more likely?

Dr. Cameron: Sure looks that way doesn't it?

Bob: Yeah

Dr. Cameron: And if you look at foster children, from the state of Illinois, not data collected by me - this is from the official data of the state of Illinois - the last 6 years of foster parent molestations, 34 percent committed by homosexuals.

Bob: 34 percent, which is similar to the research you did indicating, along with a mountain of other research projects you've done, that heterosexuals are about 1/10th as likely...

Dr. Cameron: I think it's more precisely put that a homosexual is about 10 times more apt to molest a child than a heterosexual.
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