You do write the most odd things, LH. And do you think Brown and Enyart actually know how homosexual people think? Given the rabid bigotry and gross assumptions based on their own religious positions, I think not.
I've never met Brown, but I do know Bob. And I used to watch his TV show when it aired here in IN. And back then I thought of him exactly as you do. I was convinced he was nothing more than a bigot akin to Fred Phelps. I felt that way for years, even at the time I joined TOL, at the behest of Jefferson here.
Then a moderator [who no longer participates, as he no longer has the time due to family obligations] suggested I watch a specific video of Bob ministering directly to a homosexual man. It was a collection of segments from a series of episodes of the show, that I did not see all those years ago [as I only watched a few episodes before I wrote Bob off], wherein Bob was on the phone with a man named Terry. In the beginning Bob came off as I remembered him and I had been raised that that approach could never work to bring a homosexual to Christ. I watched the entire video and learned I was very wrong.
As for the thought process of homosexuals, I know it well. I am closer to the whole thing than you might think. Not only did I grow up around very openly homosexual people [my mother's friends, whom she met either through her lesbian sister or through those she met through her sister], I also know many former homosexuals thanks to my father and his being one.
I have seen first hand the behaviors that many may not even associate with homosexuals that are present in each and every one of them. And the psychology they don't even recognize in themselves, but is clearly present if you pay attention and know what you're seeing.