Doubletree Hotel Stops Homogroupsexuals

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Doubletree Hotel Stops Homogroupsexuals

This is the show from Monday January 19th, 2009.


* PILE is a Collective Noun: Pile is a collective noun for what? Does Gomer Pile ring a bell? On recent BEL shows:
- First, it was the queen of denial homosexual Wayne Besen.
- Next, Nurse Practitioner and BEL medical analyst Nurse Maria exposed Besen's misinformation.
- Then, former California lawmaker Steve Baldwin warned of Besen's homosexual falsehoods.
Now, thanks to Christian outrage and according to WorldNetDaily, the Washington D.C. Doubletree Hotel has cancelled an inauguration-themed three-day homosexual orgy that promoters billed as "pig sex" for gays, not using that term to refer to swine, but to themselves. The word "pile" is the actual collective noun for homosexuals as coined in the early 1990s. :) though when a KGOV staffer entered that definition on, their IP address was afterward blocked :(

* Warning about The Third Jihad: The video, The Third Jihad, exposes the horrendous advance in America of Saudi Arabia's brand of Islamic terrorism. Tragically though, the film also promotes homosexual rights. Ignorant of the extraordinary dangers of homosexuality, the producers advocate the de-criminalization of a practice, homosexuality, that destroys entire societies and countless individuals. Islamic terrorists have killed about 3,000 people in the U.S. while tolerance of homosexuality has killed more than two-thirds of a million Americans. Worldwide, tolerance and the decriminalization of homosexuality have killed more than ten million people who have endured tortured deaths. Sadly, many who fight radical Islam mislead others to think that true liberty must legalize sexual immorality, including perversions, adultery, pornography, fornication, and homosexuality.

Post-show note:

* BEL Indiana Seminars:
Bob Enyart is coming to Indiana, Goshen in the evening of Jan. 29th and Indianapolis on Saturday January 31st, to present a brand new BEL Seminar titled Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible. Learn how to use tools of interpretation as you study the Bible. And as importantly, Bob will discuss the principles involved for prioritizing these hermeneutics and how to decide which tool to use in which instance. You'll love it! Click for more info and to register please call 1-800-8Enyart!

Today's Resource: Watch Terry's Call on DVD as Bob quickly unravels homosexual Terry's red herring claim, that homosexuals are living godly lives. In a series of heart touching phone calls, Terry is led to the Lord and repentance, shortly before his death from AIDS. (And notice the meaning of all the graphic elements in the artwork on the label of the DVD!)



You are a homosexual... :idunno:

I just find it funny that a Conservative, Christian forum is so obsessed with homosexuality.

Of course, it clearly has become a major trend, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I've given it some thought and here is what I've decided...

My guess is that homosexuality really is seen as some dire threat to the heritage of American culture; as if it is poised to destroy age old institutions like the Family and Church. Thus the right-wing, Christians must feel they are doing their solemn duty to preserve tradition by voicing their disapproval of what they consider to be an abhorrent behavior.

However, the irony in doing so is that some give it so much attention that other values and morals that are proclaimed as necessary for the preservation of traditional institutions, seem to be pushed to the wayside in the fervor to constantly address the homosexual threat.

It's hilarious in how self destructive it is! It's a repetition of history, just like the Salem Witch trials or the Red Scare of the McCarthy era. People get so caught up in fighting some perceived adversarial force, whether it is the devil, communism, or now homosexuality, that fear and paranoia reign and people's attention is on rooting out the "wicked" instead of being good people.

So I guess since I'm a lefty, non-believer I should be happy to see so much vicious attention on homosexuality on this forum since it is indicative of the right-wing, Christian movement once again destroying itself by attacking a perceived threat instead of sticking to its message. Go JustTom go!

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
id agree alot of the guys on here are obsessed with homo sexuality

read into what you will

I just find it funny that a Conservative, Christian forum is so obsessed with homosexuality.

Of course, it clearly has become a major trend, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I've given it some thought and here is what I've decided...

My guess is that homosexuality really is seen as some dire threat to the heritage of American culture; as if it is poised to destroy age old institutions like the Family and Church. Thus the right-wing, Christians must feel they are doing their solemn duty to preserve tradition by voicing their disapproval of what they consider to be an abhorrent behavior.

However, the irony in doing so is that some give it so much attention that other values and morals that are proclaimed as necessary for the preservation of traditional institutions, seem to be pushed to the wayside in the fervor to constantly address the homosexual threat.

It's hilarious in how self destructive it is! It's a repetition of history, just like the Salem Witch trials or the Red Scare of the McCarthy era. People get so caught up in fighting some perceived adversarial force, whether it is the devil, communism, or now homosexuality, that fear and paranoia reign and people's attention is on rooting out the "wicked" instead of being good people.

So I guess since I'm a lefty, non-believer I should be happy to see so much vicious attention on homosexuality on this forum since it is indicative of the right-wing, Christian movement once again destroying itself by attacking a perceived threat instead of sticking to its message. Go JustTom go!


You think so?

You think the anti-homosexual agenda is a "major trend"?

Clearly. It even gave its perceived adversary that awesome name, "The Gay Agenda". As if gays are sitting in their secret, dark lairs rubbing their hands together as they contemplate how they are going to destroy the family, discredit the Scriptures, and molest children. If you add "drink human blood" and "poison wells" to the list then gays could be the new Jews.

It's absolutely hysterical.


Wow, this forum is pretty obsessed with homosexuality. This has to be like the sixth thread since I've joined.

Why do you think I'm so popular here?

On a more serious note, if it were the hotel I work at, I would have not allowed the event to take place either. Well if I had a say in it. I have nothing against homosexuals, bondage, fetish, or even orgys, but publicly advertising a group sex event and holding it in a hotel's banquet hall makes the hotel look really bad.


New member
Clearly. It even gave its perceived adversary that awesome name, "The Gay Agenda". As if gays are sitting in their secret, dark lairs rubbing their hands together as they contemplate how they are going to destroy the family, discredit the Scriptures, and molest children. If you add "drink human blood" and "poison wells" to the list then gays could be the new Jews.

It's absolutely hysterical.

Absolutely correct. I've been wondering when the new "Blood Libel" was to appear. I wonder if gays sacrifice Christian babies too (maybe that's why last Pesach was thin pickings)?


New member
Why do you think I'm so popular here?

On a more serious note, if it were the hotel I work at, I would have not allowed the event to take place either. Well if I had a say in it. I have nothing against homosexuals, bondage, fetish, or even orgys, but publicly advertising a group sex event and holding it in a hotel's banquet hall makes the hotel look really bad.

I have something against orgys. Bondage and Fetish can usually be lumped together. I don't exactly have something against it, but I do think those types need some serious Jesus, or if not ready for that, counseling. I don't have anything against gay people. Yes I feel it is a sin, but honestly, how many people living in sin are out there? But I do agree with you, even if I endorsed behavior like that, that would be tasteless for the hotel to host that.


What really gets to me about it is the public advertising and the holding of it in the hotel conference room. That and making it an inauguration-themed event. There's a time and a place for everything that that isn't really the time or the place. What ever happened to having these sorts of things discrete and in a more private location?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Clearly. It even gave its perceived adversary that awesome name, "The Gay Agenda". As if gays are sitting in their secret, dark lairs rubbing their hands together as they contemplate how they are going to destroy the family, discredit the Scriptures, and molest children. If you add "drink human blood" and "poison wells" to the list then gays could be the new Jews.

It's absolutely hysterical.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
What ever happened to having these sorts of things discrete and in a more private location?

That was back when such a thing would have been unanimously condemned.

Now some say it's acceptable behaviour if done privately and discretely.

Soon it will be illegal to refuse service to such an event.


If you think I'm wrong just google, "Gay Agenda" and see what pops up. Didn't you know that gays are all a bunch of feminist commies who seek to destroy the moral fabric of society and corrupt the children?

Don't forget that they destroy the fabric of society only if they're not in jail for life for molesting, raping, and eating little boys. Just take a look at homo Jefferey Dahmer and the list of all his homoism cohorts. All homo's you know! :hammer:

Gay Mass Murder Trend


Soon it will be illegal to refuse service to such an event.

Oh conservatives and your appeal to consequence fallacies.

Please explain in intricate detail how you have made the jump from homosexuality being a behavior done privately and discretely to it suddenly being illegal to refuse service. Where I come from, we call that paranoia since it is an anxiety that leads irrationality and false beliefs.


I have yet to receive my copy of the gay agenda. :(

You didn't get the memo? Ok, well here it is...

Gays don't want "equal rights" we want "special rights". First off, we want the right to be as open and obscene in the public about our lifestyle as possible in order to normalize it and brainwash the masses. Second, we want special hate crimes rights because we want everyone to think of us as victims of circumstance, who were born the way we are rather than having chosen to be this way. Third, we want the right to marriage in order to normalize our perversion and as everyone already has the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, that is clearly a special right. Fourth, we want access to children so we can corrupt them while they are young and produce more homosexuals. That is why we want special rights to adopt kids as same sex couples, we want special protection so we aren't prohibited from being teachers in public schools, and we want public schools to teach that homosexuality is normal and natural. That is also why we all secretly want to lower the age of consent. It is a statistical fact that us homosexuals are more likely to be child molesters. Fifth, we want to discredit the scriptures in order to quiet any moral disagreement with our actions. Sixth, we work alongside feminists and communists using propaganda and science in order to attack American family values in order to destroy the basic unit of the moral fabric of society, thus bringing about America's decline.


*Rubs his hands together while he sits back in his secret, dark lair*

(yes I'm ranting, but its fun to play devil's advocate)

Honestly, the fact that there are people out there who actually believe this stuff proves two things. First, bigotry and ignorance are highly correlated. Second, that there are those out there who still revel in demonizing an entire group of people via the use of fear mongering, delusions, and paranoia.
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