Try putting everything in its original contexts including the verses that talk about righteous actions. My responses to your previous attempts to slam me would also be instructive. Instead of always dealing with the issues, you revert to name calling (argumentum ad hominem). Merely stating your views over and over does not constitute a refutation or proof (any more than when I do the same thing). Quote the original post #s and my entire arguments over 4000 posts. This still would be a fraction of what needs to be fleshed out to fairly represent all that I believe.
Saying we are in the image of God (free moral agency, spirit, will, intellect, emotions, etc.) is not the same thing as saying we are not sinners (so why try to make your out of context quote imply that)? You also might want to start putting the verse numbers for your ideas so we can examine your ideas in CONTEXT.
Who made you a fruit inspector?
Obedience is a NT concept. This does not negate other truths.
There is a difference between physical and moral depravity. Before you can slam me, you have to know the technical definitions of concepts or you are reading your preconceived ideas into my words and making a straw man.
Your shoddy arguments are like the JWs who quote Trinitarian scholars out of context to try to refute the Trinity!?
2 Cor. 7:1 "Since we have these promises, dear friends, let US purify OURSELVES from everything that contaminates body and (SPIRIT= contrary to lighthouse's 'pefectionism' and spirit/flesh ideas), perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."
You conveniently ignored the post with these verses. They are Pauline and cannot be dispensationalized away. Repentant faith is a condition of salvation. This does not mean we save ourselves. It means God is not a divine rapist, reconciliation is not unilateral or coerced, etc. Likewise, when the NT talks about obedience, it does not mean that we save ourselves in our own strength.
2 Peter 1:3-11 concurs with the balance I suggest between God's provision and our response/responsibility.
I Peter 1:13-17 obedience, holiness...we are to live our lives, not be sock puppets.