"Don't Ask WHY!" about sin and liberalism, i.e., don't be boring.
This is the show from Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020
Thugs shot 104 people in Chicago just over this past weekend. Don't ask why. If you don't know why, you're better off thinking about it for a moment rather than asking (probably for the 1000th time in your life), "Why?" And, please don't ask why the media doesn't expose something when it's perfectly obvious to you and to everyone else that they actually support exactly what you're asking them to expose. Bob also announces a guest we hope to have on air next week, Bevelyn! She's of kgov.com/bevelyn and Edmee fame, even more famous now after their ministry trip to Chaz to rebuke the wicked and call them to repentance! And Bob introduced the online Flip Book of Dr. Walt Brown's In the Beginning, which is right here at hpt.rsr.org! Then we air the final segments of what we're billing as likely the first-ever televised predestination and free-will debate.
Today's Resource: Predestination & Free Will Debate
Bob Enyart vs. Brian Schwertly
Can God change? Does He change? Has God pre-planned all events? Is your life following a complete script, written before you were born? Has it been decided in advance which, if any, of your children will go to heaven or hell?
This is the show from Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020
Thugs shot 104 people in Chicago just over this past weekend. Don't ask why. If you don't know why, you're better off thinking about it for a moment rather than asking (probably for the 1000th time in your life), "Why?" And, please don't ask why the media doesn't expose something when it's perfectly obvious to you and to everyone else that they actually support exactly what you're asking them to expose. Bob also announces a guest we hope to have on air next week, Bevelyn! She's of kgov.com/bevelyn and Edmee fame, even more famous now after their ministry trip to Chaz to rebuke the wicked and call them to repentance! And Bob introduced the online Flip Book of Dr. Walt Brown's In the Beginning, which is right here at hpt.rsr.org! Then we air the final segments of what we're billing as likely the first-ever televised predestination and free-will debate.
Today's Resource: Predestination & Free Will Debate
Can God change? Does He change? Has God pre-planned all events? Is your life following a complete script, written before you were born? Has it been decided in advance which, if any, of your children will go to heaven or hell?