Does Rudi Giuliani Burp by Eternal Decree?

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Does Rudi Giuliani Burp by Eternal Decree?

Thursday March 9th, 2006. This is show # 49.

Christians like Hugh Hewitt like Clintonesque womanizers like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Rudi Giuliani as long as they are Republicans. They could be pro-homo, pro-abortion, pro-everything, pro-partial birth abortion but if they're Republican that's where their allegiance lies.

I'm not saying don't be a Republican. I'm saying your allegiance must lie with God and "do not murder" and "do not commit adultery" and then be involved in politics. And if your involvement in politics causes you to compromise on "do not murder," you're not strong enough or wise enough to be involved in politics. So stay home because you don't know enough to lead. You need to know God, know His word and then influence the culture. Don't start influencing the culture when it will influence you.
* Email: Jonathan B from Australia: "Bob, I came across your teaching by searching websites for debates with atheists... and I've now gone through your predestination and free will debate with Dr. Samuel P. Lamerson from D. James Kennedy's ministry, and I appreciate the solid Bible teaching you present there."
* "Divine judgments" thwarted and predestinated problems.
* Callers Eric: God wrote His law in our conscience, and Jesus suffered willingly, because legions of angels could have delivered Him if desired. Jacob: Tragically, Christian Harvard lawyer Hugh Hewitt is endorsing sexually immoral, pro-homosexual, pro-abort Giuliani.
Today's Resource: Bob's 5-hour Bible seminar Predestination and Free Will on audiotape or MP3 CD!


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Granite said:
Nobody's perfect. And I don't recall Arnold ever cheating on his wife...
You don't have to be married to be a womanizer.


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Granite said:
What exactly has the Terminator done???
SAN DIEGO, California (CNN) -- Facing allegations that he groped women in incidents dating back over three decades, Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger apologized Thursday for behaving "badly," but also denounced the report as "trash politics."

Schwarzenegger, the leading candidate in California's gubernatorial recall race, addressed the allegations in the wake of a front-page story in the Los Angeles Times that detailed accusations from six women who charge that the actor-turned-politician inappropriately touched them.

In comments to supporters as he kicked off a four-day bus tour, Schwarzenegger said much of the story was "not true," but he then went on to apologize.

"Yes, I have behaved badly sometimes, yes it is true that I was on rowdy movie sets ... and I have done things I thought were playful that now I recognize that I have offended people," Schwarzenegger said.

He added, "I am deeply sorry about that and I apologize."


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I don't see this as womanizing, that's just me. In any event expecting politicians, of all people, to lead exemplary lives strikes me as very wishful thinking.
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