Does "Love Your Neighbor" Still Apply?

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Does "Love Your Neighbor" Still Apply?

This is the show from Friday May 4th, 2007.

* Top Headline at Paper: Alan Keyes assails GOP, Bob Enyart Live: Reporter Leslie Jorgensen on April 27 published a surprisingly accurate account of the Colorado Right To Life 40 Years in the Wilderness event...

* ProLife News TV & Nat'l ProLife Radio: listen to their report from the U.S. Supreme Court on the PBA Ruling... and they get it all wrong.

* George Lilly: Colorado political activist George Lilly left a message thanking Bob for exposing the misrepresentation of our leaders, including our conservative Republican pro-lifers, regarding child-killing in America.

* Fan Criticizes Bob: Fan of B.E.L. wrote: "Bob, How many shows are you going to devote to abortion. I know abortion is dead wrong and I'm sure 99% of your listeners know it's wrong. I'm even sure that those who get an abortion know it's wrong. Why must you keep hammering on the same subject? It's getting so repetitious that I'm just about to delete you from my favorites. I think you get the message Bob."

* Bob Replied: "______,
You're making great points, and because we stream online, and also provide downloads, I can watch the audience numbers dwindle.
So, of course, you're right.
My problem is that we're attempting to turn a portion of the pro-life movement away from a godless strategy, to one that honors God.
And moving off the topic of the PBA ruling too soon will reduce the chances of doing that.
[Here at the BEL Cabin, we've] been talking about how many more days my show could survive this effort (without totally losing the audience).
War is not fun.
And of course, you're right. -Bob"

* Love Your Neighbor: Does God still care about that one?

Today's Resource: Help with the Open Letter to Dr. Dobson and get a downloadable Plot manuscript! Those who love Bob's 330-page manuscript, The Plot, are excited about the availability of a downloadable .PDF version! "A downloadable Plot is a premium," says Joe Rossano of Noblesville, Indiana, "because now I'm able to quickly search its 10,000 Scripture references to find the information I'm looking for!" If you would like to donate to the Open Letter to Dr. Dobson newspaper ad in the Colorado Springs Telegraph-Gazette, you can do so and get a downloadable Plot at the same time! We will apply the full purchase price of a downloadable Plot bought anytime during the next week to our Open Letter project! This will help us get our newspaper ad funded, and you will get a computer-searchable Plot manuscript on your computer! And if anyone donates to the Open Letter project more than the $44.99 price of the downloadable Plot, you can request and the BEL staff will give you a free download of the manuscript! Thank you to all who have helped already, and who will help with this crucial project!!
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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Christians misinterpret the scriptures about offering forgiveness for violating God's commandments and moral codes. That is for God to decide and He has been very clear about the conditions required for forgiveness.

Nowhere in the bible are we admonished to tolerate the intolerable and act like sheep.

Christ makes it very clear:

Luk 12:51 Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. (ESV translation)

To me, Christ's words lay to rest any theory that Jesus came to unite all humanity (godly and ungodly) into a single “universal brotherhood of man.” Rather, He divided them as they have never been divided before!

I am not sure what you mean. If you mean play nice with one another (neighbors), I say, "great"! Let's do it.

If you mean that "it is ok to believe whatever you want to believe as long as you are sincere", I must say, "that won't do".

Religious pluralism does nothing but dilute the biblical message from God, that there is but one path to eternal redemption.

I will continue to treat those that disagree respectfully and hope for rational and intelligent dialogue, but I won't ransom away what I believe in favor of some sort of ecumenical détente. Stand for something, or fall for everything.

Christ makes it very clear:

Luk 12:51 Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. (ESV tranlation)

To me, Christ's words lay to rest any theory that Jesus came to unite all humanity (godly and ungodly) into a single “universal brotherhood of man.” Rather, He divided them as they have never been divided before!


New member
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Not according to most Christians. My pastor said that he could not find anywhere in scripture that the role of the Church was to love your neighbor.
I don't think your pastor speaks for "most Christians". :chuckle: But seriously, it's a shame your pastor can say something like that.


To me, Christ's words lay to rest any theory that Jesus came to unite all humanity (godly and ungodly) into a single “universal brotherhood of man.” Rather, He divided them as they have never been divided before!

He did come to unite everyone in himself but....

(Luke 19:27) But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.


Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to "stay the course", and "keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs, and blaming it on you......" {IF by Rudyard Kipling}

May God bless you, Bob!

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Not according to most Christians. My pastor said that he could not find anywhere in scripture that the role of the Church was to love your neighbor.
It isn't the role of the Church. It is a commandment to each of us as individuals.


New member
Not according to most Christians. My pastor said that he could not find anywhere in scripture that the role of the Church was to love your neighbor.

Was he talking about the role of the church as we know it, or the Church as God knows it??

Because the Church as God knows it=the spotless bride of Christ, and to love our neighbors as ourselves is the 2nd greatest commandment (Matthew 22:39).

And yes, this does still matter to God. In Him there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17).


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
This was the best BEL program I have listened to in quite some time! I am going to have to make sure my kids hear it.
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