"Does Immigration Mean the End of Western Civilization?"


Well-known member
Short answer: as far as Europe goes, short of bloody continent-wide revolutions it's looking like a sure bet.

In the long term, Europe can either prefer its own civilization and culture, and defend it, or capitulate to another. But it cannot, as the novel tells it, absorb masses of unassimilated members of another culture and expect to survive. It will be changed forever, and the change will be in the direction of the immigrants’ way of life, and away from that of the native-born. This is a difficult truth to accept in our egalitarian age.

A truth that the average liberal cannot even fathom, and which the global leftists who control them are depending on their being unable to fathom.



New member
So what are you saying? You worried the Native American culture will be ruined forever if more Europeans come?