Do you make God out to be a liar?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Rom8:5-8, Eph2:1-3 God's witness to the true condition of human nature today is revealed in these verses.
God created humanity in his image, but now we are fallen creatures in the image of Adam. The Pelagian/Arminian understanding of man is blown to smithereens.(8:5-8). Unless you choose to ignore the negatives of these verses. Anyone and everyone must first be called by God thus regenerated then from their new life they express faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Anything else makes God a liar from these verses.

Everyone is called by God to believe on his Son Jesus Christ, John 3:16.

God is not a robot, nor are we robots.

Everyone that was saved in the New Testament were saved by hearing and believing the Gospel, Romans 10:17.