Do you have free-will...danger ahead.

Do you have free-will...danger ahead.

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New member
There are two immediately obvious dangers with the doctrine of free will apart from it being a lie.

One: when asked at judgement why the sinner did not exercise his or her free-will and turn from sin they will be without an answer.

Secondly: The pretence of free-will allows a person to continue in sin fooled by the erroneous ‘knowledge’ that they can convert and repent at will.

I wonder how many have choked on free-will while lying on a roadway fatally injured, shot in battle, seriously ill, seriously old or on life support?

“Since Elohim has put my salvation out of the way of my will, and has taken it under His own will, and has promised to save me, not according to my working or manner of my life, but according to His own grace. I rest fully assured and persuaded that He is trustworthy, will not lie and that He is Almighty and so great in power that no devils, no adversities can prevent Him or pluck me out of His hand”.

I have on many occasions explained the vital importance of understanding what conversion and repentance actually mean. Many fools and agents of Satan have continuously derailed the threads, because the true understanding shows and proves that fictitious free-will does not have the power to convert or grant repentance.


New member
It is very wrong to present free-will as the determining factor in our acceptance or refusal of Christ and his gospel. It also equally wrong to say that our personal decisions play no role in our walk with Christ like Truster. God is in control of everything but he controls no man meaning we will be judged some day by our works whether good or bad. The free gift of grace and personal responsibility need to be presented together just like they are in the scriptures.


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This message is hidden because Epoisses is on your ignore list.

Because there is nothing that he has to say that I want or need to hear.

Bradley D

Well-known member
I believe in free will.

"I take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the curse; and you must choose life so that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving Jehovah your God,+ by listening to his voice, and by sticking to him,+ for he is your life...” (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20).