Do you charge interest?


Today is Shlishli Ziv 23
It is Laylah/Lailah, Night
Omer 38


I am a Jew. A proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. I am an Israelite. I am a Levite. I have chosen the tribe of Levi.

Do you charge your fellow Jew interest for a loan? Do you loan to your fellow Jew? What about to the Gentiles? See Today's Torah Portion.

For Gentiles, do you charge interest for a loan or loan to a Jew? What do you believe that you are allowed to do? Have you yet received or considered instruction on the matter?

Do you charge interest?

Do you accept or take a loan from someone anyone, with interest or not? Two or double meaning might be found or seen here, in the with interest or not.

I have a school loan to pay. My understanding is that there was no interest when I got the school loan, or loans, but that the loan I am now making payments on does have interest. I do not know what to do about this.

Ideas? Thoughts? Instruction?




New member
Today is Shlishli Ziv 23
It is Laylah/Lailah, Night
Omer 38


I am a Jew. A proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. I am an Israelite. I am a Levite. I have chosen the tribe of Levi.

Do you charge your fellow Jew interest for a loan? Do you loan to your fellow Jew? What about to the Gentiles? See Today's Torah Portion.

For Gentiles, do you charge interest for a loan or loan to a Jew? What do you believe that you are allowed to do? Have you yet received or considered instruction on the matter?

Do you charge interest?

Do you accept or take a loan from someone anyone, with interest or not? Two or double meaning might be found or seen here, in the with interest or not.

I have a school loan to pay. My understanding is that there was no interest when I got the school loan, or loans, but that the loan I am now making payments on does have interest. I do not know what to do about this.

Ideas? Thoughts? Instruction?



On any and every loan you receive from any institution (such as a money lending institution, bank, government loan etc) there is almost always interest involved.
When you receive a loan from a family member or friend then you and that person talk together and decide if there will be interest charged or not.
When you receive a loan from an institution, depending on what state you live in, there are different rules about the maximum percent of interest the institution is legally allowed to charge.

For your student loans there definately will he interest. The only time there is no interest is if you receive a "grant," but that is not a loan because you do not have to pay it back.
But when you applied for your student loans you were required to sign a document, a contract, and within that contract it lays out clearly all of the stipulations for receiving and paying the back the loan - all of the rules - and that clearly includes the amount of interest charged on the loan. It is all written in the contract that you signed before receiving the loan. They will not give you the student loan until you sign the contract, so you definately had to sign the contract before you received your funding and in that contract it states the amount of interest and how long you have to repay the loan.

Before you sign a contract it is very important that you read the entire contract and agree with everything in the contract because once you sign it it becomes a binding agreement.
If you do not agree with the contract then you do not sign it.

So yes you have to pay interest on your student loan because you signed a contract that told you ahead of time all of the rules.
If you want to know the specifics about your loans you can find the copy of the contract and read it and then you will know the details.


New member
Even in Israel today, interests are charged, regardless of who you are or claim to be.
Perhaps another planet would be a better choice? :rotfl:


On any and every loan you receive from any institution (such as a money lending institution, bank, government loan etc) there is almost always interest involved.
When you receive a loan from a family member or friend then you and that person talk together and decide if there will be interest charged or not.
When you receive a loan from an institution, depending on what state you live in, there are different rules about the maximum percent of interest the institution is legally allowed to charge.

For your student loans there definately will he interest. The only time there is no interest is if you receive a "grant," but that is not a loan because you do not have to pay it back.
But when you applied for your student loans you were required to sign a document, a contract, and within that contract it lays out clearly all of the stipulations for receiving and paying the back the loan - all of the rules - and that clearly includes the amount of interest charged on the loan. It is all written in the contract that you signed before receiving the loan. They will not give you the student loan until you sign the contract, so you definately had to sign the contract before you received your funding and in that contract it states the amount of interest and how long you have to repay the loan.

Before you sign a contract it is very important that you read the entire contract and agree with everything in the contract because once you sign it it becomes a binding agreement.
If you do not agree with the contract then you do not sign it.

So yes you have to pay interest on your student loan because you signed a contract that told you ahead of time all of the rules.
If you want to know the specifics about your loans you can find the copy of the contract and read it and then you will know the details.


Today is Shlishli Ziv 23. It is Yom, Day. Omer 38

I am not sure what to think about the loan changing hands. If that is the right wording for it. And that now it has interest. Yes this is a government loan. I believe I had grants as well. I took the prerequisite classes to become a teacher of mathematics, which would have required further schooling. Otherwise I am not sure if I would have had to have a loan to finish school. I believe it was the last two quarters. United States of America. I am a Jew so there should not have been any interest. As for paying my school loan, I do not have a disability but I have had SSDI. I was living with my parents so that is how I was going to pay for it. Now I have my own expenses where I live. The only thing that I have done wrong, which indeed was wrong, was to hit my Dad, to punch him or throw punches or fight him or strike him when he accused me of (verbally) abusing my niece or nieces when I raised my voice or had a raised voice when I was communicating with him for some reason when they were at the house. I was accused of abuse and I know abuse carries a death penalty and it was wrong so I hit him. I know a lot or knew a lot and I did not know what was going to happen to me. The reality is that I did abuse my sister as a child. That is my situation. It is my understanding that this is not all that has gone into my being here. So, there is more to this or more to the story. I would like to be the President of the United States of America. I have been called a Rabbi and I would like to be a Rabbi. I have chosen the tribe of Levi.


New member

Today is Shlishli Ziv 23. It is Yom, Day. Omer 38

I am not sure what to think about the loan changing hands. If that is the right wording for it. And that now it has interest. Yes this is a government loan. I believe I had grants as well. I took the prerequisite classes to become a teacher of mathematics, which would have required further schooling. Otherwise I am not sure if I would have had to have a loan to finish school. I believe it was the last two quarters. United States of America. I am a Jew so there should not have been any interest. As for paying my school loan, I do not have a disability but I have had SSDI. I was living with my parents so that is how I was going to pay for it. Now I have my own expenses where I live. The only thing that I have done wrong, which indeed was wrong, was to hit my Dad, to punch him or throw punches or fight him or strike him when he accused me of (verbally) abusing my niece or nieces when I raised my voice or had a raised voice when I was communicating with him for some reason when they were at the house. I was accused of abuse and I know abuse carries a death penalty and it was wrong so I hit him. I know a lot or knew a lot and I did not know what was going to happen to me. The reality is that I did abuse my sister as a child. That is my situation. It is my understanding that this is not all that has gone into my being here. So, there is more to this or more to the story. I would like to be the President of the United States of America. I have been called a Rabbi and I would like to be a Rabbi. I have chosen the tribe of Levi.

Well if you receive SSDI then you legally have to have a disability be ause if you do not then you are committing fraud. SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Insurance and it is a priveledge that the government gives to people who have a disability to help them and ONLY people who have a disability are allowed to receive it and if someone receives it who does not have a disability is defrauding the government and can face fines or jail time. So let's hope that you actually do have a disability or you can be in a LOT of trouble.

If you have student loans you definitely 100% have a contract that you signed. That contract clearly lays out the rules for interest and repayment. If you did not sign a co tract you did not receive student loans. In the same way if you received student loans you definitely signed a contract. There are no if's, and's or buts about it - you are required to sign a contract before you received the loan and that contract is clear about the interest you have to pay and the time you have to repay it. That is a fact that is true for everyone person with student loans.
The USA does not recognize Mosaic Law because the USA recognizes ONLY American law. The contract you signed DID NOT include a statement for people who are Jewish to not have to pay interest because that would be illegal. The charter of religious rights and freedoms of American law means that there is EQUAL RIGHTS for people of every religion and no special rights for a person of a specific religion.

If you want to know about the interest you are being charged you can call the institution you received your loans from and ask for a copy of the contract that you signed - A copy that contains YOUR signature for proof that you signed it and agreed to the amount of interest they charge. It is not complicated and there are no special provisions based on religion


Well if you receive SSDI then you legally have to have a disability be ause if you do not then you are committing fraud. SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Insurance and it is a priveledge that the government gives to people who have a disability to help them and ONLY people who have a disability are allowed to receive it and if someone receives it who does not have a disability is defrauding the government and can face fines or jail time. So let's hope that you actually do have a disability or you can be in a LOT of trouble.

If you have student loans you definitely 100% have a contract that you signed. That contract clearly lays out the rules for interest and repayment. If you did not sign a co tract you did not receive student loans. In the same way if you received student loans you definitely signed a contract. There are no if's, and's or buts about it - you are required to sign a contract before you received the loan and that contract is clear about the interest you have to pay and the time you have to repay it. That is a fact that is true for everyone person with student loans.
The USA does not recognize Mosaic Law because the USA recognizes ONLY American law. The contract you signed DID NOT include a statement for people who are Jewish to not have to pay interest because that would be illegal. The charter of religious rights and freedoms of American law means that there is EQUAL RIGHTS for people of every religion and no special rights for a person of a specific religion.

If you want to know about the interest you are being charged you can call the institution you received your loans from and ask for a copy of the contract that you signed - A copy that contains YOUR signature for proof that you signed it and agreed to the amount of interest they charge. It is not complicated and there are no special provisions based on religion

I reported them for fraud. It has been forced upon me. Maybe living here will create the opportunity for the truth to be known. SSDI without a disability is interesting. Maybe the problem is telling people that they can have their own definition of disability. Then again, the alternative might be revolting.


New member
I reported them for fraud. It has been forced upon me. Maybe living here will create the opportunity for the truth to be known. SSDI without a disability is interesting. Maybe the problem is telling people that they can have their own definition of disability. Then again, the alternative might be revolting.

Jacob it is ok to have a disability, you do not have to feel any shame whatsoever for having a disability. God created us and God does make mistakes. God creates every person unique and some people are differently abled than others but that is the beauty of creation, nobody is the same and nobody is perfect. We ALL have our faults and shortcomings and in the same way we ALL have special qualities and gifts that are unique to us that nobody else does. We are ALL created in the image of God - even people who have disabilities - there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We are ALL created in the image of God and we are ALL EQUAL in value to God. Just because someone has a visible or noticeable disability does not make them any less than, please remember that.
A person can be the most intelligent person in the world and still have a physical disability. Look at Stephen Hawking, many people would say he had one of the most brilliant minds on the planet (It would have been much more useful to God and humanity if he were a Christian and not an atheist but that is besides the point). Stephen Hawking had a mind more brilliant than most - one of the highest I.Q's on the planet when he was alive - yet he had a very noticeable disability - he had cerebral palsy and was not able to speak or walk....but even that disability did not stop his mind from being brilliant and did not make him any less than anyone else.
And then there are people who may have severe learning disabilities but they have gifts of athleticism and gifts of kindness that no-one else can match.

Having a disability is NOTHING to be ashamed of.. in fact when people who have disabilities try to pretend they don't, or deny their disa polity then that is not good because when they do that they are in a way saying that God made a mistake because they are ashamed of who they are and that is terrible because God does not make mistakes.

No-one can force you to receive SSDI, and if you receive it then unless you are lying to the government to get a free handout at the expense of others then there is a reason you are getting it - because you have a disability - and like I said, there is NOTHING to be ashamed of!
I myself have a disability, I have kidney disease and I have had it since I was a young 20 years old. And even though I do not get SSDI, it can be a very disabling disease and I receive help in different ways. When I feel like I need help, which I do at many time, I ask for help and I am not ashamed.
That is one of the reasons God created His Church, His assembly, because we are ALL parts of the body of Christ and when one of its members need help, the others help them willingly and lovingly.

We ALL have special abilities and we ALL have places where we are disabled and there is no shame. So denying your disability just adds to the stigma and makes it worse for those who do not deny their disabilities because it adds shame where there should be none


Jacob it is ok to have a disability, you do not have to feel any shame whatsoever for having a disability. God created us and God does make mistakes. God creates every person unique and some people are differently abled than others but that is the beauty of creation, nobody is the same and nobody is perfect. We ALL have our faults and shortcomings and in the same way we ALL have special qualities and gifts that are unique to us that nobody else does. We are ALL created in the image of God - even people who have disabilities - there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We are ALL created in the image of God and we are ALL EQUAL in value to God. Just because someone has a visible or noticeable disability does not make them any less than, please remember that.
A person can be the most intelligent person in the world and still have a physical disability. Look at Stephen Hawking, many people would say he had one of the most brilliant minds on the planet (It would have been much more useful to God and humanity if he were a Christian and not an atheist but that is besides the point). Stephen Hawking had a mind more brilliant than most - one of the highest I.Q's on the planet when he was alive - yet he had a very noticeable disability - he had cerebral palsy and was not able to speak or walk....but even that disability did not stop his mind from being brilliant and did not make him any less than anyone else.
And then there are people who may have severe learning disabilities but they have gifts of athleticism and gifts of kindness that no-one else can match.

Having a disability is NOTHING to be ashamed of.. in fact when people who have disabilities try to pretend they don't, or deny their disa polity then that is not good because when they do that they are in a way saying that God made a mistake because they are ashamed of who they are and that is terrible because God does not make mistakes.

No-one can force you to receive SSDI, and if you receive it then unless you are lying to the government to get a free handout at the expense of others then there is a reason you are getting it - because you have a disability - and like I said, there is NOTHING to be ashamed of!
I myself have a disability, I have kidney disease and I have had it since I was a young 20 years old. And even though I do not get SSDI, it can be a very disabling disease and I receive help in different ways. When I feel like I need help, which I do at many time, I ask for help and I am not ashamed.
That is one of the reasons God created His Church, His assembly, because we are ALL parts of the body of Christ and when one of its members need help, the others help them willingly and lovingly.

We ALL have special abilities and we ALL have places where we are disabled and there is no shame. So denying your disability just adds to the stigma and makes it worse for those who do not deny their disabilities because it adds shame where there should be none

I don't have a disability. I am honest that I do not believe I ever have had a disability. I was not disabled. I do not know if anyone attempted to disable me.


New member
They are the ones who forced it upon me. I either don't have a choice or my efforts to get them to stop have failed.

Of course you can get it to stop if you do not have a disability. The government does not want to give money to people and so if you say you don't want it then they will stop. Unless you have a disability then they will give it to you.
If you do not have a disability then it very very easy to not get the SSDI money - you just don't cash the cheque. You get the check and then you rip it up and throw it away... very very easy.
Then you go and get a job like every other non- disabled person.
Nobody can force you to receive benefits if you don't want them ... NOBODY
So if you do not have a disability then go and get a job and cash your cheque from your regular job...and when they send you a SSDI cheque rip it up and throw it in the garbage... it's THAT EASY


Of course you can get it to stop if you do not have a disability. The government does not want to give money to people and so if you say you don't want it then they will stop. Unless you have a disability then they will give it to you.
If you do not have a disability then it very very easy to not get the SSDI money - you just don't cash the cheque. You get the check and then you rip it up and throw it away... very very easy.
Then you go and get a job like every other non- disabled person.
Nobody can force you to receive benefits if you don't want them ... NOBODY
So if you do not have a disability then go and get a job and cash your cheque from your regular job...and when they send you a SSDI cheque rip it up and throw it in the garbage... it's THAT EASY

I do not know if I am receiving an SSDI check.

The government should not be giving me money for a disability that I do not have.


New member
I do not know if I am receiving an SSDI check.

The government should not be giving me money for a disability that I do not have.

ok so then why have you said NUMEROUS times that you DO receive SSDI? If you are going to lie you have to keep your story straight.
As Judge Judy loves to say "if you tell the truth you don't have to have a good memory."
You should keep that in mind.
It is not good for someone who wants to be a Rabbi to lie Jacob


New member
I do not know if I am receiving an SSDI check.

The government should not be giving me money for a disability that I do not have.

Jacob I just cannot have any more conversations with you because you lie too much. I am wasting my time trying to have a conversation with you because I believe that you lie too much and it is completely unproductive and a complete waste of time trying to talk with you because I cannot believe anything you say. Have a good life and really you should get some help...there is no shame in having a disability but there is shame in lying about it because it places a stigma on a disability where there should be none. you are helping no-one when you lie and deny. If you accept the help that is offered to you then you will be able to live the best life possible and at the same time you will have one heck of a testimony about how you submitted to God and God helped you overcome. But until you do then I do not wish to have a conversation with you because it is not only unproductive it is counter-productive and fruitless. I will continue to pray for you that you accept the help you have around you and that you will receive and accept the help you need


ok so then why have you said NUMEROUS times that you DO receive SSDI? If you are going to lie you have to keep your story straight.
As Judge Judy loves to say "if you tell the truth you don't have to have a good memory."
You should keep that in mind.
It is not good for someone who wants to be a Rabbi to lie Jacob

Today is Revi'i (Fourth) Ziv 24. It is Yom, Day. Omer 39.

now what they did to me means I lied and want to be a Rabbi?
I realize this is our government and Canada may want to review our actions. As for me I do not believe that I have done anything wrong.


Jacob I just cannot have any more conversations with you because you lie too much. I am wasting my time trying to have a conversation with you because I believe that you lie too much and it is completely unproductive and a complete waste of time trying to talk with you because I cannot believe anything you say. Have a good life and really you should get some help...there is no shame in having a disability but there is shame in lying about it because it places a stigma on a disability where there should be none. you are helping no-one when you lie and deny. If you accept the help that is offered to you then you will be able to live the best life possible and at the same time you will have one heck of a testimony about how you submitted to God and God helped you overcome. But until you do then I do not wish to have a conversation with you because it is not only unproductive it is counter-productive and fruitless. I will continue to pray for you that you accept the help you have around you and that you will receive and accept the help you need


Today is Revi'i (Fourth) Ziv 24. It is Yom, Day. Omer 39.


I don't even have a disability and now or then I am being accused of lying about it. Hmm.